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gold price
Gold Price Outlook: Gold Breaks Out, Goes Overbought - Levels to Know

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Breaks Out, Goes Overbought - Levels to Know

Gold prices are starting June by continuing Friday's bullish breakout. With RSI going overbought and beginning to diverge, can bulls continue to push?

Recession Fears Hit Stocks, Boost US Treasuries, Other Safe Havens

Recession Fears Hit Stocks, Boost US Treasuries, Other Safe Havens

Concern that the ongoing US-China trade dispute is hitting economic growth worldwide is damaging risk appetite, boosting safe havens such as US Treasuries at the expense of stocks and oil.

Crude Oil Prices at Risk as EU Mulls New Leadership, Italy Budget

Crude Oil Prices at Risk as EU Mulls New Leadership, Italy Budget

Crude oil prices may succumb alongside broader market sentiment if commentary out of an EU leaders summit spooks investors and inspires anti-risk liquidation.

Gold Price Eyeing Support, Silver Price Rebound Fading

Gold Price Eyeing Support, Silver Price Rebound Fading

Golds short-term rally has hit the buffers and may test 200-day ma support again while silver remains stuck in a downtrend.

Gold Price Retreats From Resistance, Can Gold Bulls Take Control?

Gold Price Retreats From Resistance, Can Gold Bulls Take Control?

It's already been a busy week in Gold prices as a quick bullish move ran into trend-line resistance, helping to set a fresh three-week-high.

Crude Oil Prices May Break 2019 Uptrend on Global Slowdown Fears

Crude Oil Prices May Break 2019 Uptrend on Global Slowdown Fears

Crude oil prices may break chart support guiding the uptrend since the beginning of the year as fears about slowing global economic growth sour market sentiment.

Gold Forecast Turning Bullish as Price Returns Back into Triangle

Gold Forecast Turning Bullish as Price Returns Back into Triangle

A return into a consolidation can underpin a “false breakout,” which, if so, may mean that Gold prices may have more room to run higher.

Gold, Crude Oil Prices at the Mercy of Corporate Earnings Flow

Gold, Crude Oil Prices at the Mercy of Corporate Earnings Flow

Gold and crude oil price action is likely to reflect the response of broad-based market sentiment trends to an incoming flood of first-quarter corporate earnings reports.

Gold Price Forecast Could Turn Bullish Above This Key Level

Gold Price Forecast Could Turn Bullish Above This Key Level

Even as the US Dollar presses a breakout attempt at fresh yearly highs, Gold prices have stabilized in recent days. Is the downturn over?

Crude Oil Price Chart Flashing Early Bearish Reversal Warning

Crude Oil Price Chart Flashing Early Bearish Reversal Warning

Crude oil prices may turn lower if early technical clues pointing to ebbing upside momentum find a complimentary catalyst in incoming earnings reports.

Crude Oil Price May Recoil at Chart Barrier as Market Mood Sours

Crude Oil Price May Recoil at Chart Barrier as Market Mood Sours

Crude oil prices may recoil downward after stalling at chart resistance as a defensive tone prevails across global financial markets, weighing on sentiment-geared assets.

3 Charts to Follow: Crude Oil, Gold and Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis

3 Charts to Follow: Crude Oil, Gold and Bitcoin (BTC) Price Analysis

Crude oil, Gold and Bitcoin charts are all at, or close to, important technical levels that may direct future price action.

Crude Oil Prices May Fall Amid Fears of Slowing Global Growth

Crude Oil Prices May Fall Amid Fears of Slowing Global Growth

Crude oil prices may fall as a diverse array of economic releases stokes worries about a broad-based slowdown in global economic growth.

Gold Prices Approach April Low, Hold at Symmetrial Triangle Support

Gold Prices Approach April Low, Hold at Symmetrial Triangle Support

Recent changes in positioning suggest that, if a triangle breakout occurs, it would likely be to the downside.

Gold Prices Eye Yields, US Dollar Response to IMF Outlook Update

Gold Prices Eye Yields, US Dollar Response to IMF Outlook Update

Gold prices will seek direction cues in the response from bond yields and the US Dollar to the latest update of the IMF World Economic Outlook.

Crude Oil Prices at Risk if Soft US Data Feeds Slowdown Worries

Crude Oil Prices at Risk if Soft US Data Feeds Slowdown Worries

Crude oil prices may be pressured if soft US economic data feeds fears about a slowdown in global economic growth, weighing on demand prospects.

Gold Price Analysis: Sitting on Support, Will it Hold?

Gold Price Analysis: Sitting on Support, Will it Hold?

Gold is sitting on a noted technical support level and needs to hold this if the recent sell-off is to be reversed. US data during the week will guide the next move, culminating with the latest NFP release on Friday.

Gold Price - Eyes a Fresh One-Month High on Risk-Off Bid

Gold Price - Eyes a Fresh One-Month High on Risk-Off Bid

The Gold rally off the low seen earlier this month continues unabated, refuelled by growing concerns that the gloomy global economic outlook may last for longer.

Crude Oil Prices May Validate Bearish Chart Cues on Growth Fears

Crude Oil Prices May Validate Bearish Chart Cues on Growth Fears

Crude oil prices may validate technical positioning hinting that a top is taking shape as worries about slowing global growth stoke market-wide risk aversion.

US Jobs Data May Validate Bearish Crude Oil Price Chart Setup

US Jobs Data May Validate Bearish Crude Oil Price Chart Setup

Crude oil prices have struggled to make good on technical signs of topping but incoming US jobs data may finally validate the setup.


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