Als unabhängige Informationsdienstplattform Dritter ist WikiFX bestrebt, den Nutzern umfassende und objektive Abfragedienste für regulatorische Händlerinformationen bereitzustellen. WikiFX beteiligt sich nicht direkt an Devisenhandelsaktivitäten und bietet auch keinerlei Handelskanalempfehlungen oder Anlageberatung an. Die Händlerbewertung durch WikiFX basiert auf objektiven Informationen aus öffentlichen Kanälen und berücksichtigt vollständig die Unterschiede in der Regulierungspolitik in verschiedenen Ländern und Regionen. Händlerbewertungen sind das Kernprodukt von WikiFX. Wir lehnen jegliche Geschäftspraktiken ab, die der Objektivität und Unparteilichkeit schaden könnten, und begrüßen die Aufsicht und Vorschläge von Benutzern auf der ganzen Welt. Hotline melden:
Non-farm payrolls
Regulators Warn Clients to Avoid Trading with FXGiants

Regulators Warn Clients to Avoid Trading with FXGiants

Has your broker scammed you? If so, you are not alone. While there are many legitimate financial intermediaries in the forex market, scammers also exist in abundance. Today, we discuss FXGiants to help you know if it is worth signing up?

Scam Alert: Hehuan Global is still Scamming in the Forex Market

Scam Alert: Hehuan Global is still Scamming in the Forex Market

Recently, WikiFX has received several complaints about the unlicensed forex broker, Hehuan Global.

WTI exposes to $75.00 as China struggles to show reopening-inspired recovery

WTI exposes to $75.00 as China struggles to show reopening-inspired recovery

West Texas Intermediate (WTI), futures on NYMEX, have slipped below $75.50 in the Asian session. The oil price has resumed its downside journey as the optimism among market participants regarding China’s economic recovery after the rollback of lockdown curbs is fading dramatically.

EUR/JPY bounces off two-week low to regain 144.00, BoJ’s Kuroda, ECB’s Lagarde in the spotlight

EUR/JPY bounces off two-week low to regain 144.00, BoJ’s Kuroda, ECB’s Lagarde in the spotlight

EUR/JPY renews its intraday high near 144.40 as Tokyo opens for the key Friday. In doing so, the cross-currency pair reverses the previous day’s losses while picking up bids from a two-week low amid a cautious mood ahead of the Bank of Japan (BoJ) Monetary Policy announcements.

GBP/USD marches towards 1.1950 as investors ignore aggressive Fed bets, UK data in focus

GBP/USD marches towards 1.1950 as investors ignore aggressive Fed bets, UK data in focus

The GBP/USD pair has comfortably shifted its business above 1.1950 in the Asian session. The Cable is looking to stretch its recovery towards 1.1950 amid the absence of sheer anxiety among investors for the United States Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) release.

EUR/USD bulls poke 1.0600 as mixed US data test Fed hawks, US NFP, ECB’s Lagarde eyed

EUR/USD bulls poke 1.0600 as mixed US data test Fed hawks, US NFP, ECB’s Lagarde eyed

EUR/USD picks up bids to extend the mid-week recovery from a two-month low, up 0.16% intraday near 1.0600 during early Friday. In doing so, the Euro pair cheers the broad weakness in the US Dollar ahead of the key US employment report for February, as well as a speech from European Central Bank (ECB) President Christine Lagarde.

AUD/USD Price Analysis: Looks set for a breakdown of 0.6580 ahead of US NFP

AUD/USD Price Analysis: Looks set for a breakdown of 0.6580 ahead of US NFP

The AUD/USD pair has delivered a less-confident rebound to near 0.6580 in the Asian session. The Aussie asset is navigating in a territory of 0.6580-0.6636 for the past two trading sessions. Investors should brace for sheer volatility as the release of the United States Nonfarm Payrolls (NFP) data will provide clear guidance.

FSCS Expects Higher Costs in Coming Years Due to Complexity of Claims

FSCS Expects Higher Costs in Coming Years Due to Complexity of Claims

The Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS), the UK's statutory Deposit insurance and investors compensation scheme, recently announced forecast administrative costs of £89.2 million for 2022/23 and £99.8 million for 23/24.

GKFX changed its name to Trive, and the original website is unavailable

GKFX changed its name to Trive, and the original website is unavailable

Back in October 2022, Turkey's Global Kapital Group(GKG) restructured some of its operations, which included the transfer of ownership of its main FX brokerage businesses GKFX and GKPro to an Amsterdam based company called Trive Financial.

CySEC Fines FXVC Operator €100K for Possible Regulatory Violations

CySEC Fines FXVC Operator €100K for Possible Regulatory Violations

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) announced that it has decided to impose €100,000 fines on the Finteractive Ltd, the operator of trading brand FXVC, for possible regulatory violations.

All Scam in One? These Three Unregulated FX Broker Share the Same Address

All Scam in One? These Three Unregulated FX Broker Share the Same Address

Fraudulent companies are able to continue their fraudulent activities even after they are exposed because they often use multiple trading names and operate multiple scam websites at the same time.

Scam Alert: Think Carefully Before You Invest FewaTRADE

Scam Alert: Think Carefully Before You Invest FewaTRADE

Forex fraud often results in a terrible financial downfall for the victim. However, required safety measures can help you stay safe from scammers like FewaTRADE.

Scam Alert: Be Careful With Your Investment in FxMarket365

Scam Alert: Be Careful With Your Investment in FxMarket365

While working with a reputable broker increases the odds of your success, signing up with a dubious one can turn your trading experience into a nightmare.

Up to 800% Profit? No! ForbesCapital Scams many Malaysian Investors

Up to 800% Profit? No! ForbesCapital Scams many Malaysian Investors

Withdrawal of funds has always been one of the issues of great concern for investors.

OANDA Mandates Standard Chartered Bank as its Cash Management Company and FX Prime Broker

OANDA Mandates Standard Chartered Bank as its Cash Management Company and FX Prime Broker

OANDA, a provider of online multi-asset trading services, has selected Standard Chartered Bank as its cash management bank for processing payments and collections in the US and UK, and has also authorized the bank as a prime broker for its international retail foreign exchange business, further extending the relationship between the two companies in Singapore.

Cryptocurrency Hacking Becomes a Serious Problem in 2022, with $3.8 Billion Stolen

Cryptocurrency Hacking Becomes a Serious Problem in 2022, with $3.8 Billion Stolen

2022 has been the worst year for cryptocurrency heists. In a report released Wednesday, U.S. blockchain analytics firm Chainalysis said North Korea-related hackers stole more than $3.8 billion worth of cryptocurrency.

WikiFX Warning list: 5 FX Brokers got reported by their own clients and no license.

WikiFX Warning list: 5 FX Brokers got reported by their own clients and no license.

Here are the list of brokers that Broker that got tons of complaints and license are still hang from the regulator

The regulatory licenses of 5 brokers including Price Markets changed

The regulatory licenses of 5 brokers including Price Markets changed

Before choosing a broker, many investors will review the regulatory license of them, but the regulatory information of the broker may change at any time.

Caution! Investors Reported Withdrawal Problems With OctaFX

Caution! Investors Reported Withdrawal Problems With OctaFX

Founded in 2011, OctaFX is an offshore broker headquartered in St. Vincent and Grenadines.

Warned by FCA! USGFX UK No Longer Holds FCA License

Warned by FCA! USGFX UK No Longer Holds FCA License

The information on the FCA's official website shows that USGFX UK (Union Standard International Group Limited) no longer has regulatory authorization from the FCA as of December 16, 2022.

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