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Investment Scam
CBI Probes Rs 6,600 Crore GainBitcoin Cryptocurrency Scam

CBI Probes Rs 6,600 Crore GainBitcoin Cryptocurrency Scam

CBI searches 60 locations in the GainBitcoin cryptocurrency scam probe, targeting Rs 6,600 crore fraud by Amit and Ajay Bhardwaj across India.

Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

A Malaysian night market vendor has lost RM500,000 which is the entirety of his and his wife’s life savings after falling prey to a fraudulent foreign exchange investment scheme registered in Seychelles, East Africa.

Retiree Lost RM4 Million to a Facebook Investment Scam

Retiree Lost RM4 Million to a Facebook Investment Scam

A 73-year-old retiree suffered a devastating financial loss of RM4 million after falling prey to a fraudulent share investment scheme advertised on Facebook.

Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

A sophisticated forex investment scheme that took a decade to establish has been exposed as a global financial fraud. In Malaysia alone, at least 77 individuals have reportedly lost more than RM48 million.

Scam Couple behind NECCORPO Arrested by Thai Authorities

Scam Couple behind NECCORPO Arrested by Thai Authorities

Thai authorities have dismantled a cryptocurrency investment fraud syndicate, arresting a Chinese national and a Thai woman linked to a multi-million baht money laundering operation. The pair, who led an extravagant lifestyle funded by illicit activities, have been connected to 28 separate fraud cases, with total financial damages exceeding 30 million baht.

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Authorities in Malaysia have launched an extensive investigation into a fraudulent stock investment scheme, which has resulted in losses amounting to RM638,205.

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Authorities in Malaysia have launched an extensive investigation into a fraudulent stock investment scheme, which has resulted in losses amounting to RM638,205.

UK Hits HSBC, 3 Banks with £104.4M Fine for Bond Misconduct

UK Hits HSBC, 3 Banks with £104.4M Fine for Bond Misconduct

HSBC, Citi, RBC, and Morgan Stanley fined £104.4M by CMA for sharing sensitive bond market info, distorting UK gilts competition from 2009-2013.

The Biggest Hacking History in Cryptocurrency Shocks Bybit

The Biggest Hacking History in Cryptocurrency Shocks Bybit

Know the biggest hacking history in cryptocurrency as Bybit loses $1.5B to Lazarus Group. Learn about the largest crypto heist, security breaches, and more.

Rising Fraud in the Philippines: How BSP Circular 1140 and AI Combat Scams

Rising Fraud in the Philippines: How BSP Circular 1140 and AI Combat Scams

Discover how the Philippines tackles rising fraud with BSP Circular 1140, AI-driven solutions, and tokenization to secure its digital economy. Learn more.

No One Falls for Scams… Until They Do. Are You Next?

No One Falls for Scams… Until They Do. Are You Next?

Scams thrive on the belief that only the naive or uninformed become victims. Many assume that intelligence, financial acumen, or sheer scepticism will shield them from fraudsters.

Inside the Newest Financial Scams of 2025 | Don’t Fall for Them

Inside the Newest Financial Scams of 2025 | Don’t Fall for Them

The financial landscape in 2025 is more sophisticated than ever, but so are the scams designed to exploit traders, investors, and everyday consumers. With advancements in artificial intelligence, deepfake technology, and decentralised finance (DeFi), fraudsters have found new ways to deceive even the most cautious individuals. From AI-powered Ponzi schemes to fraudulent trading platforms, here are the most commonly seen scams of 2025 and how you can protect yourself.

RM1.7 Million Vanished: Trading 'Experts' from UVKXE Turned into Scammers

RM1.7 Million Vanished: Trading 'Experts' from UVKXE Turned into Scammers

A 67-year-old retired private sector employee fell victim to an elaborate investment scam, losing RM1.7 million in just two months. The scam originated in late August last year when he came across an investment project named "UVKXE" on Facebook.

Thailand Cracks Down on Online Scam Centers, Rescuing 260 Victims

Thailand Cracks Down on Online Scam Centers, Rescuing 260 Victims

Thailand rescues 260 victims from online scam centers in Myanmar. The crackdown highlights efforts to dismantle Southeast Asia's scam networks.

Shocking RM886k Investment Scam in Malaysia: Teacher's Savings Wiped Out!

Shocking RM886k Investment Scam in Malaysia: Teacher's Savings Wiped Out!

A 43-year-old Malaysian tuition teacher lost RM886,000 in a social media investment scam involving the fraudulent Trus Wallet scheme. Lured by promises of high returns, she transferred funds through 30 transactions before realizing the deception. This case highlights the rise of online investment scams targeting unsuspecting individuals.

Forex Scam Defrauds Over RM100 Million from Hundreds of Investors

Forex Scam Defrauds Over RM100 Million from Hundreds of Investors

A foreign exchange (forex) investment scam that swindled more than 100 million ringgit from hundreds of investors has prompted the Malaysian International Humanitarian Organization (MHO) to take action.

Thai and Chinese Police Seize $2.5 Million in USDT from Scam Operation

Thai and Chinese Police Seize $2.5 Million in USDT from Scam Operation

Thai and Chinese authorities collaborate to arrest suspects and seize $2.5 million in USDT from a large-scale scam operation, highlighting the traceability of Tether transactions.

Investment Scams on Social Media: Why Do People Still Fall for Them?

Investment Scams on Social Media: Why Do People Still Fall for Them?

In the digital era, social media platforms have become a double-edged sword. While they connect millions of users worldwide, they have also evolved into a breeding ground for fraudulent investment schemes. Criminals exploit these platforms to lure unsuspecting victims with promises of quick and high returns.

U.S. Court Orders Randall Crater Fined $7.6M for My Big Coin Fraud Scheme

U.S. Court Orders Randall Crater Fined $7.6M for My Big Coin Fraud Scheme

Randall Crater was fined $7.6M for My Big Coin fraud, banned from trading, and sentenced to prison in a landmark CFTC enforcement action.

How a Crypto Scam Cost Company Manager RM2.56 Million

How a Crypto Scam Cost Company Manager RM2.56 Million

A 42-year-old company manager in Malaysia has fallen victim to a cryptocurrency investment scam, losing RM2.56 million to an illicit scheme known as UVKXE. The fraudulent investment platform lured victims with promises of high returns ranging from 10 to 50 per cent.

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