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एब्स्ट्रैक्ट:There is growing noise and tweet activity suggesting that UK PM Theresa May could well be out of a job very shortly after her disastrous ‘new deal’ Brexit presentation Tuesday.
British Pound (GBP)
GBPUSD hitting fresh Five-month low.
UK PM May could be ousted later if rumors are true.
One Minister is reported to have said, ‘it’s over…she‘s done’.
Q2 2019 GBP and USD Forecasts andTop Trading Opportunities
Q2 2019年英镑和美元预测及顶部交易机会
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GBPUSD Slumps to a 2019 Low
Politics can be a cruel place and Theresa Mays time as UK Prime Minister is said to be up, if the constant barrage of tweets, reports and rumors are to be believed. It is being said that senior ministers are gathering to ouster the Prime Minister, while the 1922 Conservative Committee meet later today when the daggers may appear.
Some of the Current Tweets
Minister: it‘s over. You may not see the result today but it’s happened. You might have to wait till Friday for the podium but shes done – Harry Cole, dep political editor Mail on Sunday
部长:它已经结束了。你今天可能看不到结果,但它确实发生了。你可能要等到星期五登上领奖台,但她已经完成了 - 哈利科尔,政治编辑Mail on Sunday
Cab source tells me some in cabinet furious with May. Told what was agreed in room was not what she set out. Unhappy about promises on 2nd ref. Mundell into see PM (h/t @PaulBrandITV). My source reckons rule change coming, party about to move. We‘ve reached the tipping point’
Cab来源告诉我一些内阁对May的愤怒。告诉她在房间里达成的协议并不是她所提出的。不满意第二次参考的承诺。蒙代尔见PM(h / t @PaulBrandITV)。我的消息来源认为规则改变即将来临,派对即将移动。 我们已达到临界点'
Cabinet Minister - “things moving fast. If we dont act 1922 will make their move later this evening”. Also told Mundel will raise issue of her future.
内阁部长 - “事情快速移动。如果我们不采取行动1922年将在今晚晚些时候采取行动”。还告诉蒙德尔将提出她未来的问题。
David Mundell is going to see the PM later this afternoon - several other Cabinet sources saying now they cant see the PM lasting beyond Monday - others believe she will
大卫蒙代尔将在今天下午晚些时候看到总理 - 其他几位内阁消息人士说他们现在不能看到PM持续超过星期一 - 其他人相信她会
More significant are plans for a group of Brexit-backing Cabinet ministers to see the PM this afternoon. One cabinet source says: “If you don't do it today, she's safe for two weeks.”
I am told the reason @DavidMundellDCT is furious with the PM and has asked to see her is that her apparent openness to a another Brexit referendum is seen by him as a betrayal, because it would open the door to and legitimise another referendum on Scottish independence – Robert Peston
我被告知原因@DavidMundellDCT对PM感到愤怒,并且要求她看到她对另一次英国退欧公投的明显开放被他视为背叛,因为它将为苏格兰独立的另一次公民投票打开大门并合法化--Robert Peston
GBPUSD is believing the current round of rumors - for now - and has fallen to its lowest level since January 2 this year.
DailyFX analyst Justin McQueen on GBPUSD earlier today – Risk of Sterling Flash Crash Trendline Support
DailyFX分析师Justin McQueen今日早些时候英镑兑美元汇率 - 英镑闪电崩盘趋势线支持风险
DailyFX analyst Mahmoud Alkudsis prescient GBPJPY article on May 16 – Further Bearish Momentum Hints at 139.00
DailyFX分析师Mahmoud Alkudsis在5月16日预先确认GBPJPY文章 - 进一步看跌势头提示139.00
GBPUSD Daily Price Chart (December 2018 – May 22, 2019)
GBPUSD每日价格图表(2018年12月 - 2019年5月22日)
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