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Ikhtisar:The two Lake Tahoe properties give Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg a scenic and exclusive mountain getaway with 600 feet of private waterfront.
{1} 据华尔街日报报道,Facebook首席执行官马克·扎克伯格秘密购买了太浩湖(Lake Tahoe)上的两处相邻物业,这是海湾地区居民的热门度假目的地。周四报道。其中一处房产被称为Carousel Estate,设有8间卧室,9.5间浴室,占地3.5英亩。另一家酒店,Brushwood Estate,占地6英亩,可以追溯到1920年代。这两家酒店共同为Facebook 34岁的首席执行官提供了一个风景优美的高山度假胜地,拥有600英尺的私人海滨,可容纳50人。这个价值2200万美元的Carousel Estate,包含Mark Zuckerberg新购买的Lake Tahoe复合体的一半。访问Business Insider的主页,了解更多故事.Facebook首席执行官Mark Zuckerberg有一个新的地方可以出去玩游戏。这个夏天。据华尔街日报周四报道,这位34岁的亿万富翁最近在太浩湖购买了两处相邻的房产,太浩湖是湾区居民的热门度假胜地。阅读更多:马克扎克伯格花费约5900万美元在去年冬天在太浩湖秘密购买两个相邻的私人海滨庄园为了保持交易不受公众关注,扎克伯格通过一家有限责任公司购买房屋 - 总价值约为5900万美元据“华尔街日报”报道,这一交易还涉及保密协议,其中包括需要列出房屋照片的协议。然而,Business Insider能够发布今天仍然在线的其中一个房产的宣传视频。这座被称为“旋转木马庄园”的住宅位于太浩湖西岸,去年12月被扎克伯格以2200万美元的价格收购。看看Mark Zuckerberg最近购买的太浩湖: {1}{0}{1}
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg secretly purchased two adjacent properties on Lake Tahoe, a popular vacation destination for Bay Area residents, according to a Wall Street Journal report on Thursday. One of the properties, dubbed the Carousel Estate, features 8 bedrooms, 9.5 bathrooms and sits on 3.5 acres. The other property, the Brushwood Estate, sits on a 6 acre lot and dates back to the 1920s.Together, the two properties give Facebook's 34-year-old CEO a scenic and exclusive mountain getaway with 600 feet of private waterfront that accommodate 50-foot yachts and plenty of friends.Below is a look inside the $22 million Carousel Estate, which comprises half of Mark Zuckerberg's newly-purchased Lake Tahoe compound.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a new spot to hang out this summer. According to a Wall Street Journal report on Thursday, the 34-year-old billionaire recently purchased two adjacent properties on Lake Tahoe, a popular vacation destination for Bay Area residents. Read more: Mark Zuckerberg spent about $59 million to secretly buy two adjacent private waterfront estates in Lake Tahoe last winterTo keep the deals out of the public eye, Zuckerberg purchased the homes — which totaled around $59 million — through a limited-liability company and high-end wealth manager, according to The Journal.The deals also reportedly involved nondisclosure agreements, including one that required listing photos of the homes be taken off the internet. Business Insider, however, was able to uncover a promotional video for one of the properties that remains online today. The home — dubbed “The Carousel Estate” — is located on Lake Tahoe's west shore and was purchased by Zuckerberg for $22 million last December. Take a look inside Mark Zuckerberg's recent Lake Tahoe purchase:
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