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概要:"We are now in the early episodes of 'Chernobyl' on HBO, where the reactor is melting down and the apparatchiks are trying to figure out whether to cover it up or start the clean-up process."
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who served the Trump administration for less than two weeks in 2017, compared President Donald Trump to a melting nuclear reactor and said Republicans may need to throw their support behind another candidate in 2020.
In an interview with Axios on Sunday, Scaramucci said the current state of affairs in Washington is like “the early episodes of 'Chernobyl' on HBO, where the reactor is melting down and the apparatchiks are trying to figure out whether to cover it up or start the clean-up process.”
He added that he and other Republican supporters would consider finding a replacement candidate ahead of the presidential elections if Trump “doesn't reform his behavior.”
“We can't afford a full nuclear contamination site post 2020,” Scaramucci said.
Scaramucci and Trump traded barbs over the weekend after the former White House communications director said the president “didn't do well” on his trips to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in the wake of two mass shootings last week.
Former White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci, who served the Trump administration for less than two weeks in 2017, compared President Donald Trump to a melting nuclear reactor and said Republicans may need to throw their support behind another candidate in 2020.
Speaking to Axios on Sunday, Scaramucci said that if Trump “doesn't reform his behavior,” he and other Republican supporters would consider finding a replacement candidate ahead of the presidential elections.
“We are now in the early episodes of 'Chernobyl' on HBO, where the reactor is melting down and the apparatchiks are trying to figure out whether to cover it up or start the clean-up process,” Scaramucci said of the current state of affairs in Washington.
“A couple more weeks like this and 'country over party' is going to require the Republicans to replace the top of the ticket in 2020,” he said. “We can't afford a full nuclear contamination site post 2020.”
Though Scaramucci has maintained loyalty to the Trump administration despite a short-lived tenure, his relationship with the President appeared to sour over the weekend after Scaramucci told MSNBC's Chris Matthews on “Hardball” that Trump “didn't do well” on his trips to El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, in the wake of two mass shootings last week which left a total of 34 people dead.
Trump responded to Scaramucci's comments on Saturday in a series of scathing tweets, calling him “totally incapable.”
“Like many other so-called television experts, he knows very little about me,” Trump tweeted. “Anthony, who would do anything to come back in, should remember the only reason he is on TV, and it's not for being the Mooch!”
Scaramucci fired back on Sunday, calling Trump's recent attacks on Democratic congresswomen of color “unacceptable.”
For the last 3 years I have fully supported this President. Recently he has said things that divide the country in a way that is unacceptable. So I didn't pass the 100% litmus test. Eventually he turns on everyone and soon it will be you and then the entire country. https://t.co/BUvwujc6LW
He also shared a political cartoon titled “Five Stages of White House Employment,” which depicted Trump stabbing an employee in the back as he leaves the White House.