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Resumo:Beyond Meat's stock price has become "Beyond Stupid," according to Citron Research. Shares were down 6% on Friday.
{1} 根据Citron Research的数据,Beyond Meat的股票价格变得“超越愚蠢”。5月1日的价格为25美元,并且达到了高位周四收报96.78美元。观看超越肉类交易。根据Citron Research的数据,Beyond Meat的失控股票价格已经变得“超越愚蠢”。该公司的股票在首次交易中飙升了163%,与网络泡沫时期公开的技术名称进行了比较。他们从5月1日的首次公开募股定价25美元上涨了285%,创下周四创下96.78美元的历史新高。周五,它们下跌了6%,并且可能会因期权到期而出现波动加剧。 “$ BYND已成为Beyond Stupid,”Andrew Left的Citron Research周五发推文。 “Robinhood上交易量最大的零售股票,市值现在大于行业,优势竞争对手即将上市。我们预计,在零售疲惫的情况下,盈利将回到65美元。”根据Markets Insider编制的Robinhood数据,截至周四,自5月2日首次公开募股以来,超过30,000名Robinhood用户增加了Beyond Meat。在公开市场上以38.3亿美元收盘后,它的市值已经膨胀至超过55亿美元。 Beyond Meat是最近几周上市的众多无利可图的创业公司之一。自2009年成立以来,每年都产生亏损。这家以工厂为基础的汉堡制造商在2018年损失了2990万美元,2017年损失了3040万美元,2016年损失了2510万美元,因为它“投资于创新和增长”。它的销售额同期激增,从2016年的1620万美元增长到去年的8790万美元.Rebecca Ungarino为这个故事做出了贡献。 {1}{0}{1}
Beyond Meat's stock price has become “Beyond Stupid,” according to Citron Research.Shares priced at $25 on May 1, and hit a high of $96.78 on Thursday.Watch Beyond Meat trade live. Beyond Meat's runaway stock price has become “Beyond Stupid,” according to Citron Research.The company's stock soared by 163% in its trading debut, drawing comparisons to tech names that went public during dot-com bubble. They had gained as much as 285% from their May 1 initial-public-offering pricing of $25, hitting a record high of $96.78 apiece on Thursday. On Friday , they fell 6% and could be seeing heightened volatility due to options expiration. “$BYND has become Beyond Stupid,” Andrew Left's Citron Research tweeted on Friday. “Most heavily traded retail stock on Robinhood, market cap now bigger than industry, and superior competitor coming to market soon. We expect $BYND to go back to $65 on earnings On retail exhaustion.” As of Thursday, Beyond Meat had been added by more than 30,000 Robinhood users since its initial public offering on May 2, according to Robinhood data compiled by Markets Insider. It's market cap had ballooned to above $5.5 billion after closing its first day on the public markets at $3.83 billion. Beyond Meat is one of the many unprofitable startups that has gone public in recent weeks. It has generated losses in each year since its 2009 founding. The plant-based burger maker lost $29.9 million in 2018, $30.4 million in 2017, and $25.1 million in 2016, as it “invested in innovation and growth.” Its sales have surged over the same time, growing from $16.2 million in 2016 to $87.9 million last year.Rebecca Ungarino contributed to this story.
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