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price action
Gold Price Outlook: XAUUSD Pulls Back After a Big Month

Gold Price Outlook: XAUUSD Pulls Back After a Big Month

Gold prices had a big month of June, gaining almost 13% from the May 30 low. But will the second half of 2019 be as friendly to gold bulls?

US Dollar Price Outlook: EUR/USD Testing Support, USD/JPY Resistance

US Dollar Price Outlook: EUR/USD Testing Support, USD/JPY Resistance

The US Dollar has posed a mild gap with a bounce to start Q3 trade, but are USD bears prepared to hibernate in the second half of the year?

US Dollar Price Outlook for Q3 in EUR/USD, USD/JPY

US Dollar Price Outlook for Q3 in EUR/USD, USD/JPY

A riveting Q2 is nearing its end, but can the US Dollar breakdown that began in June continue into the second-half of the year?

US Dollar Price Outlook in EUR/USD, AUD/USD

US Dollar Price Outlook in EUR/USD, AUD/USD

Last week was big for the US Dollar, but with only a week left until the Q3 open – can sellers continue to push? Both EURUSD and AUDUSD are set up.

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Breaks Out to Five-Year-Highs, Now What?

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Breaks Out to Five-Year-Highs, Now What?

Gold put in a big breakout over the past 24 hours, and there may be scope for more. But, how can a trader approach an overbought but bullish Gold market?

EUR/USD Pops, GBP/USD Tests Resistance as USD Slammed post-FOMC

EUR/USD Pops, GBP/USD Tests Resistance as USD Slammed post-FOMC

It's been a busy backdrop since yesterday's FOMC rate decision, with risk assets flying-higher as the US Dollar has taken a dive.

Japanese Yen Technical Outlook: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY

Japanese Yen Technical Outlook: USD/JPY, EUR/JPY, GBP/JPY

While risk markets have come back to life in the month of June, the anti-risk Yen has continued to be bid. Is this highlighting a harboring theme of risk aversion that may soon return?

Gold Price Explodes to Fresh Yearly Highs - Levels to Know

Gold Price Explodes to Fresh Yearly Highs - Levels to Know

Gold prices have caught a significant ramp over the past two weeks and are now testing long-term resistance. But will the FOMC be as dovish as Gold bulls hope for?

US Dollar Price Outlook: USD Bounce Runs into Resistance

US Dollar Price Outlook: USD Bounce Runs into Resistance

The US Dollar came into the month of June screaming-lower, but has since found support. Next week's FOMC looms large, will buyers be able to hold the bid?

Euro Price Analysis: Bulls Bring EURUSD Bounce, EURJPY Resistance

Euro Price Analysis: Bulls Bring EURUSD Bounce, EURJPY Resistance

The Euro continues to show strength in the face of a plethora of risks. In this article, setups are looked at on either side of the single currency.

US Dollar Price Outlook in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD and USD/CAD

US Dollar Price Outlook in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD and USD/CAD

The US Dollar has finally found some element of support at a key Fibonacci level which is confluent with the 200-day moving average. Can it hold?

EUR/USD Rallies to Two-Month-Highs, US Dollar Extends Fall After NFP

EUR/USD Rallies to Two-Month-Highs, US Dollar Extends Fall After NFP

The US Dollar has continued its week-long sell-off after this morning's NFP report, helping to buoy EURUSD up to fresh two-month-highs.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Rally to Resistance Before BoC

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: USD/CAD Rally to Resistance Before BoC

USDCAD has made a trip back to range resistance ahead of the Bank of Canada's interest rate decision on the calendar for tomorrow.

Canadian Dollar Outlook: USD/CAD Reversal Rally from Range Support

Canadian Dollar Outlook: USD/CAD Reversal Rally from Range Support

After spending the past month in a range, USD/CAD has put in a strong show of price action over the past 24 hours. Is a USD/CAD breakout nearing?

US Dollar Price Action Setups After Last Weeks Bullish Barrage

US Dollar Price Action Setups After Last Weeks Bullish Barrage

The US Dollar had a very strong outing last week. Can buyers remain in-charge to push up to a fresh 2019 high?

Crude Oil Price Congests After 60 Support, Can Bears Make a Mark?

Crude Oil Price Congests After 60 Support, Can Bears Make a Mark?

Crude Oil prices have calmed after a rally of more than 50% from the lows. The bigger question is whether this is a pullback or the start of a reversal.

Gold Price Retreats From Resistance, Can Gold Bulls Take Control?

Gold Price Retreats From Resistance, Can Gold Bulls Take Control?

It's already been a busy week in Gold prices as a quick bullish move ran into trend-line resistance, helping to set a fresh three-week-high.

US Dollar Rejected at Weekly High After NFP: S&P 500 Nearing a Turn?

US Dollar Rejected at Weekly High After NFP: S&P 500 Nearing a Turn?

This morning brought the release of NFP but the week is far from over as a series of FOMC speakers populate the calendar for the remainder of today.

US Dollar Price Action Setups Post-FOMC Dip and Rip: EUR/USD, GBP/USD

US Dollar Price Action Setups Post-FOMC Dip and Rip: EUR/USD, GBP/USD

The US Dollar put in a dip followed by a rip around yesterday's FOMC rate decision, and the big question at this point is whether US stocks may be near a turn.

US Dollar Price Outlook: USD Holding at Fresh Highs, Bend or Break?

US Dollar Price Outlook: USD Holding at Fresh Highs, Bend or Break?

The US Dollar broke above the triangle formation this week, but next week's economic calendar is loaded with risk items, including FOMC: Time to make or break.

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