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Tickmill Review

Tickmill Review

Tickmill is a plain vanilla MT4 broker offering a minimal selection of tradeable securities. That said, Tickmill offers very competitive commission-based pricing for professionals through its VIP and PRO accounts.

Is CJC Markets.com scam or good forex broker?

Is CJC Markets.com scam or good forex broker?

CJC Markets is a broker based in New Zealand. Although it is duly licensed by the local financial authorities, the broker is not transparent about its services and pricing. In the present review, we have highlighted both the strong and weak sides of CJC Markets.

5 things you should know about investlite.com

5 things you should know about investlite.com

InvestLite is an offshore regulated broker, offering rather competitive trading conditions, including a leverage level of 1:500 and tight spreads. The trading instruments include Crypto, Commodities, Stocks, Indices and Metals. The trading platforms offered include Web trader and Mobile applications only. They also claim to take care of the safety of the funds of the traders, find out if it’s true in the full InvestLite review.

TIO Markets Review 2021

TIO Markets Review 2021

TIO Markets offers subscription-based accounts on the MT4 and MT5 desktop platforms and mobile apps, as well as PAMM solutions for investors. Before you register and login, take a look at this broker review for minimum deposits, withdrawals, bonus deals, and more. Find out if TIO Markets is a safe choice.

Overview One Global Market

Overview One Global Market

One Global Market (OGM) is a financial investment company that is regulated by the UK’s FCA. The FCA is one of the strictest financial regulators in the world. Brokers with an FCA license have to submit frequent reports to ensure they retain their license. One of the requirements is that a broker creates a financial compensation scheme. It means that customers’ funds are very secure.

TigerWit Review

TigerWit Review

TigerWit was founded in 2015, since its inception TigerWit has , since spread its reach across the globe as it accumulates new licensing and brings new products to market.

Summary of Xero Market Trading Company

Summary of Xero Market Trading Company

Xero Market (aka XeroMarket) is a relatively young, ambitious broker, currently operating in the classic Forex segment. The company was founded in 2017 and is registered under the jurisdiction of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. XeroMarket is focused on the Asian market, but soon the company plans to obtain a license from a European regulator and expand its regional presence.

Is EssenceFX a scam or legit broker?

Is EssenceFX a scam or legit broker?

No, it is not safe to trade with EssenceFX, because it is an offshore broker. The Company is wholly owned by Essence Markets Limited under registration number 40309, regulated by the Vanuatu Financial Services Commission, and incorporated in the Republic of Vanuatu.

The benefits of trading with the LiteForex broker

The benefits of trading with the LiteForex broker

Liteforex (Europe) Limited is a reliable Company with a flawless reputation that has worked in the sphere of Forex trading since 2008. Liteforex (Europe) Limited owes its leadership to its multiple advantages that set it apart from most brokers.

EUR/USD – Can it turn things around?

EUR/USD – Can it turn things around?

The euro is trading lower against the dollar again after a brief rebound late last month. But was the rebound brief or is there more to come?

IC Markets’ November Trading Volume Surpasses $1 Trillion, Sets Record

IC Markets’ November Trading Volume Surpasses $1 Trillion, Sets Record

The trading volume of last month eclipsed the previous record set by the broker in March.

USD/JPY reverses lower as risk appetite weighs on US yields, bounces at key 112.50 support

USD/JPY reverses lower as risk appetite weighs on US yields, bounces at key 112.50 support

USD/JPY fell back to weekly lows in the 112.50 region on Friday though has since bounced as volumes fade. The pair reversed from as high as the 113.50s as risk appetite deteriorated and drove long-term US yields lower.

Popular Forex Trading Strategies For Successful Traders

Popular Forex Trading Strategies For Successful Traders

Identifying a successful Forex trading strategy is one of the most important aspects of currency trading. In general, there are numerous trading strategies designed by different types of traders to help you make profit in the market.

EUR/USD Price Analysis: Trapped between the 4-hour 50 and 100-SMA, around 1.1300

EUR/USD Price Analysis: Trapped between the 4-hour 50 and 100-SMA, around 1.1300

The shared currency advances against the greenback, up some 0.10%. The US Dollar Index, which measures the buck’s performance against six rivals, is flat at 96.16. EUR/USD: Mild bearish, but it needs a break below the 50-SMA to resume the downward move.

Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD climbs as the New York session winds down, steady at $1784

Gold Price Forecast: XAU/USD climbs as the New York session winds down, steady at $1784

XAU/USD recovered as the New York session winds down, up 0.85%. The US 10-year Treasury yield plunged, down almost ten basis points, finishing the week at 1.358%. XAU/USD: A break above $1,792 could propel gold towards $1,800 and beyond. Fed’s Bullard commented on the need of the Fed for a faster taper, considering the 4.2% unemployment rate “as a good case to remove Fed support.”

GemForex Signs Football Icon David Beckham as Brand Ambassador

GemForex Signs Football Icon David Beckham as Brand Ambassador

Beckham will promote the broker’s services across Asian markets.

InstaForex Extends Sports Sponsorship Deal with Borussia Dortmund

InstaForex Extends Sports Sponsorship Deal with Borussia Dortmund

The broker will sponsor the football club for the third season.

Is CMC Markets good for beginners?

Is CMC Markets good for beginners?

CMC Markets is a global CFD and forex broker, founded in 1989. It is regulated by several authorities globally, including the top-tier UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). The company is also listed on the London Stock Exchange.

IG Group Agrees to Sell Nadex and Small Exchange to Crypto.com

IG Group Agrees to Sell Nadex and Small Exchange to Crypto.com

IG’s shareholdings in both companies are approximately $216 million.

Aussie Dispute Resolution Agency Expels USGFX Membership

Aussie Dispute Resolution Agency Expels USGFX Membership

The membership was expelled on November 11.

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