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price action
Gold Price Outlook: Gold Grasps for Support Ahead of ECB, FOMC

Gold Price Outlook: Gold Grasps for Support Ahead of ECB, FOMC

Gold prices have pulled back to a Fibonacci support level and continue to catch bids above the 1500 marker as traders await ECB and FOMC rate decisions.

US Dollar Reversal Continues: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD

US Dollar Reversal Continues: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CAD

The US Dollar came into the holiday-shortened week with a full head of steam. But that's been soundly reversed. Tomorrow brings NFP and Canadian employment.

Gold Price Outlook: XAUUSD Spikes, Snaps Back to Fibonacci Support

Gold Price Outlook: XAUUSD Spikes, Snaps Back to Fibonacci Support

Gold prices continued their bullish ascent this morning, spiking above the 1555 level after the open. Most of those gains have already been faded-out.

Gold Prices Stabilize Ahead of Jackson Hole, Will XAU Bulls Show Up?

Gold Prices Stabilize Ahead of Jackson Hole, Will XAU Bulls Show Up?

Gold prices have stabilized after a volatile showing last week. Gold price action has clung to a bullish trendline ahead of a couple of really big drivers.

US Dollar Price Outlook: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CAD

US Dollar Price Outlook: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD, USD/CAD

It's going to be a big week for the US Dollar and likely US equities as the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium kicks off on Wednesday.

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: How Far Will the USD/CAD Recovery Go?

Canadian Dollar Price Outlook: How Far Will the USD/CAD Recovery Go?

USD/CAD put in an aggressive bearish trend in June and early-July, but has seen 50% of that prior move wiped out in a retracement.

US CPI Increases in July, Core CPI Now 17 Months Above 2%

US CPI Increases in July, Core CPI Now 17 Months Above 2%

Core CPI continues to show a streak of stability, printing at its highest level since January and continuing above the Fed's 2% target.

US Dollar Technical Outlook in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD

US Dollar Technical Outlook in EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/CHF, USD/CAD

After a burst of excitement FX markets have begun to digest, but will sellers be able to provoke a bigger push in the US Dollar?

US Dollar Price Action Setups: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF

US Dollar Price Action Setups: EURUSD, GBPUSD, USDCAD, USDCHF

The Equity sell-off has calmed for now but a number of questions remain around global markets. The US Dollar is currently testing lower-high resistance.

Gold Price Breakout Hits Resistance - Pullback or Reversal?

Gold Price Breakout Hits Resistance - Pullback or Reversal?

Gold prices have been aggressively bid after last week's tariff announcement, finally finding a bit of resistance at fresh six-year-highs.

US Dollar Price Action Setups: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF

US Dollar Price Action Setups: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, USD/CHF

The US Dollar has held lower-high resistance ahead of the FOMC's widely-expected rate cut. But what's in store for the rest of 2019?

Gold Price Technical Outlook: XAUUSD Grasps at Support Ahead of FOMC

Gold Price Technical Outlook: XAUUSD Grasps at Support Ahead of FOMC

Gold prices grasp at support ahead of the Fed's widely-expected rate cut. More important for Gold is likely what the Fed says about the rest of 2019.

Gold Prices Break, Pull Back on ECB; Will Bulls Drive Ahead of FOMC?

Gold Prices Break, Pull Back on ECB; Will Bulls Drive Ahead of FOMC?

Gold prices put in a quick breakout around this morning's ECB rate decision, but quickly returned back to trend-line support. Can bulls continue to push ahead of FOMC?

Gold Price Pulls Back, XAU Bulls Show at Higher-Low Support

Gold Price Pulls Back, XAU Bulls Show at Higher-Low Support

Gold prices exploded last week with a gust of USD-weakness pricing-in, but GLD price action has since pulled back to find support at prior resistance.

EUR/USD Price Outlook: Support Grind at 1212 Ahead of ECB, FOMC

EUR/USD Price Outlook: Support Grind at 1212 Ahead of ECB, FOMC

Rate decisions take place out of both Europe and the US in the next two weeks, with each carrying the expectation for dovish policy from the respective Central Bank.

Oil Price Outlook: WTI Crude Oil Price Action Builds Bear Flag

Oil Price Outlook: WTI Crude Oil Price Action Builds Bear Flag

Crude oil prices have crossed back-below the 60-handle, and a short-term bear flag formation has built. Are oil markets on the cusp of another bearish run?

US Dollar Price Action Setups: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD and USD/CAD

US Dollar Price Action Setups: EUR/USD, GBP/USD, AUD/USD and USD/CAD

The US Dollar has seen a different tonality so far in July, but a short-term theme of strength runs counter to an intermediate-term scenario of weakness.

WTI Crude Oil Price Outlook: Pullback to Support, Can Bulls Hold?

WTI Crude Oil Price Outlook: Pullback to Support, Can Bulls Hold?

Crude oil prices caught a boost this week as production constraints showed around a brewing storm in the Gulf of Mexico, set to touch down this weekend.

Gold Prices Snap Back After Failed Breakout Attempt - Levels to Know

Gold Prices Snap Back After Failed Breakout Attempt - Levels to Know

Gold prices put in another run at six-year-highs earlier. Bulls were soon rebuffed, and prices have again pulled back.

US Dollar Resistance at Prior Support: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD

US Dollar Resistance at Prior Support: EUR/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD

The US Dollar is coming off of bearish backdrop in June, but prices so far in Q3 have pushed up for a test of lower-high resistance.

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