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Абстракт:You're not alone if these painfully cringe-worthy management moments sound familiar.
At least 75 percent of the reasons that people quit their jobs come down to things over which their managers have influence. Signs you may have a bad manager include that they don't respect your time, perhaps because they lack trust, and they tend to hide when problems happen. Researchers also found that the worst behavior a boss can have in the workplace is taking credit for one of their employees' work.Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.Think you might be working for a weak leader? You're not alone if you have your fair share of painfully cringe-worthy management moments and you're feeling disengaged at work because of them. Only one-third of the US workforce is engaged in their jobs. A wealth of research suggests that people feel disconnected and, therefore, quit their jobs, often because of their weak managers. Gallup research suggests that 17 percent of people leave their jobs because of management or the general work environment. In fact, according to James K. Harter, Ph.D., Gallup's chief scientist for workplace management, at least 75 percent of the reasons that people quit come down to all things over which managers have influence. So what makes these leaders so weak — and what can they be doing differently? Here are five surefire signs of an ill-fated manager, and how they can stop their employees from turning over because of them.
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