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摘要:The AUDUSD is edging higher for the day as the US Dollar remains on the defensive during mid-week trading.
The AUDUSD is edging higher for the day as the US Dollar remains on the defensive during mid-week trading. Higher yielding or riskier currencies such as the Australian Dollar are on the rise following news of progress in a coronavirus vaccine and encouraging US inflation data.
The greenback is extending its losses on Wednesday with the Dollar index (DXY) trading down 0.26 percent at the time of writing. The announcement of a higher than expected 0.6 percent rise in the June month-over-month Consumer Price Index is easing worries over deflationary pressures caused by the current economic downturn.
Investor risk appetite over the Australian Dollar is likely rising in part due to the promising signs from an early stage experimental vaccine for COVID-19 developed by Moderna Inc where test results showed it was safe and triggered some response from the healthy volunteer test groups.
However, looking at the Australian economic data docket, the Westpac July consumer confidence report released today showed a strong drop in consumer sentiment, reversing the previous months gains and limiting upside potential in the AUDUSD.
From a technical perspective, the pair has met significant resistance at the troublesome 0.70439 marks, with traders appearing to reject prices above the 0.70 level. The AUDUSD will need to close above 0.7001 in order to draw buyers back in to test the yearly high of 0.70643.
(Chart Source: Tradingview 15.07.2020)
On the flip side should the AUDUSD fall below the 0.786 Fibonacci retracement level at 0.69748, the door may be open for sellers to push for a test of the weekly low of 0.69212 in the following sessions.
Disclaimer: This material has been created for information purposes only. All views expressed in this document are my own and do not necessarily represent the opinions of any entity.
今天美国时段的主要数据焦点将是美国 4 月零售销售数据。市场正在寻找零售活动上个月放缓的迹象。预测要求整体零售额将从之前的 0.5% 提高至 1%,而核心读数预计将从 1% 回落至 0.4%。
在隔夜举行的 9 月澳大利亚央行货币政策会议之后,澳元一直走弱。普遍预期该银行宣布缩减规模,这与上次会议提供的指导以及此后澳大利亚央行政策制定者的评论一致。虽然该银行确实宣布进一步缩减规模(每周资产购买规模从 50 亿澳元降至 40 亿澳元),但该消息伴随着警告称,该银行将把资产购买计划延长至 11 月的最后期限之后,并延长至 2022 年 2 月末。对于澳元多头来说,这是澳大利亚央行一只手给予,另一只手收取的情况。
美联储主席杰罗姆·鲍威尔 (Jerome Powell) 在本周杰克逊霍尔 (Jackson Hole) 研讨会上发出任何明确信号的前景似乎已经减弱。虽然交易员没有寻找任何烟火,但普遍预期会同意缩减规模,但最近的事态发展突显了美联储面临的困难。在围绕大流行仍然存在不确定性的一个非常真实的例子中,特别是由于 Delta 变体,鲍威尔已被撤出在怀俄明州亲自露面。相反,由于杰克逊霍尔的 COVID 风险级别,鲍威尔将通过视频链接出现。