A senior Clinton campaign aide told BuzzFeed News Biden's approach to addressing the tape reflected a "Mad Men-era mentality."
Sanford lost his congressional primary in 2018 after emerging as a vocal critic of Trump, who in turn encouraged voters to vote against him.
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says the Taliban "overreached" with their car bomb attack in a diplomatic area near the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.
"I showed the President the official National Hurricane Center forecast," US Coast Guard Rear Admiral Peter Brown said in a statement.
The US president said the UK prime minister is "going to be okay" after Johnson lost his majority in Parliament and suffered a series of defeats.
McCabe was a frequent target of President Trump, who alleges that he was one of several top FBI officials who wanted to undermine his presidency.
Monday marked the 289th day Trump spent at a Trump property and the 227th day he's spent at one of his golf clubs since taking office.
"I don't think it will hit me until I walk into the White House," she said in 2017, according to her college's website. "It's such an honor."
"We were called and we're going to start very shortly to negotiate," Trump said. But China said the calls never happened.
Three NATO officials said that Trump's recent suggestion that Russia should rejoin the G7 has hampered NATO's ability to take a hard line with Putin.
Trump appeared to mockingly say that Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand was "the one I was really afraid of" in the 2020 presidential election.
Committee Chairman Jerrold Nadler said the Constitution "demands that President Trump's private interests and official conduct remain separate."
President Donald Trump reportedly derailed a meeting with world leaders at the G7 on Saturday evening after he insisted on Russia's readmittance.
From the tall Xi Jinping to the short Michael D Higgins to the mysterious height of Kim Jong-un, the height of world leaders varies wildly.
Walsh, a controversial figure in his own right, has recently become a vocal critic of President Donald Trump.
The Trump administration has struggled keeping its message straight on the economy recently as reports emerged it was weighing to cut payroll taxes.
"They will love us," Trump reportedly said to NRA chief executive Wayne LaPierre, adding, "I'll give you cover."
Trump has recently ramped up his war with the network that has long been his ally, and is reportedly afraid that it isn't loyal enough.
Trump personally spoke to NRA chief Wayne LaPierre multiple times, according to several news reports that were published earlier in August.
The possible proposal for a payroll tax cut would inject consumer cash into a weakening economy and alleviate fears of a recession.