WikiFX, as an independent third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing users with comprehensive and objective broker regulatory information services. WikiFX does not directly engage in any forex trading activities, nor does it offer any form of trading channel recommendations or investment advice. The ratings and evaluations of brokers by WikiFX are based on publicly available objective information and take into account the regulatory policy differences of various countries and regions. Broker ratings and evaluations are the core products of WikiFX, and we firmly oppose any commercial practices that may compromise their objectivity and fairness. We welcome supervision and suggestions from users worldwide. To report any concerns, please contact us:
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Forex trading
WikiFX "3·15 Forex Rights Protection Day" – Official Release of the Blacklist

WikiFX "3·15 Forex Rights Protection Day" – Official Release of the Blacklist

WikiFX, as a globally leading forex investment ecosystem service platform, has always been committed to providing fair and authoritative broker verification services for forex investors, while offering solid rights protection support for every victim of forex investment. On February 26, 2025, WikiFX once again launched its annual "3·15 Forex Rights Protection Day" event, aiming to empower forex investors to speak out and defend their rights through open, transparent, and robust means.

Two days ago
BSP Restricting Offshore Forex Trades to Control Peso Volatility

BSP Restricting Offshore Forex Trades to Control Peso Volatility

BSP tightens rules on offshore forex trades, including NDFs, to reduce systemic risks and peso volatility. Stakeholders’ feedback due by March 26.

Three days ago
Gold Price Hits Record High Amid Economic Uncertainty and Policy Shifts

Gold Price Hits Record High Amid Economic Uncertainty and Policy Shifts

Gold prices soared to an all-time high, nearing the key $3,000 per ounce threshold, as investors responded to heightened tariff uncertainty and growing expectations of monetary policy easing by the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Three days ago


FISG is a Cyprus registered online Forex and CFD broker. The brand was established in 2012 and currently holds an authorized representative license with Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC, No. 166/12). The broker offers a range of trading instruments including Forex, shares, indices, and commodities on the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform, as well as rich educational resources.

Three days ago
Forex BackTesting: Pros and Cons | Best Free  Backtesting Software to Explore

Forex BackTesting: Pros and Cons | Best Free Backtesting Software to Explore

Imagine you're driving from New York City to Philadelphia and want to know if your route is optimal, then you take two steps: Firstly, you gather the traffic records in the past five years, including traffic patterns, historic weather conditions, and holiday congestion records. Second, you run simulations of your proposed road to see if it is most efficient and fuel-saving before an actual trip.

Three days ago
What Impact on the Forex Market as Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is Arrested.

What Impact on the Forex Market as Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is Arrested.

The sudden arrest of former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant has sent shockwaves through global markets and regional investors alike. While Duterte’s arrest is being hailed by human rights groups as a decisive step toward accountability for his controversial “war on drugs,” it also raises significant questions about factors that can strongly influence the forex market.

In a week
How Can Fintech Help You Make Money?

How Can Fintech Help You Make Money?

Fintech – short for financial technology – is rapidly transforming the way people manage, invest, and even earn money. In this article, we’ll explore various ways fintech can help you make money, from smarter investing to launching a side hustle, while also reducing costs and boosting your financial health.

In a week
What’s the Secret in Trading Chart Behind 90% Winning Trades?

What’s the Secret in Trading Chart Behind 90% Winning Trades?

Discover the secret to 90% winning trades with chart patterns, indicators, and pro strategies. Master trading charts for consistent wins!

In a week
What Impact on Investors as Oil Prices Decline?

What Impact on Investors as Oil Prices Decline?

Oil prices have come under pressure amid mounting concerns over U.S. import tariffs and rising output from OPEC+ producers. With tariffs on key trading partners and supply increases dampening fuel demand expectations, investor appetite for riskier assets has cooled. This shift in sentiment poses a range of implications for different segments of the investment landscape.

In a week
Teacher Lost Life Savings in WhatsApp Investment Fraud

Teacher Lost Life Savings in WhatsApp Investment Fraud

A Malaysian teacher recently became the victim of an elaborate investment scam, losing more than RM200,000 after being lured into a fraudulent Bitcoin scheme through WhatsApp.

In a week
Unmasking a RM24 Million Forex Scam in Malaysia

Unmasking a RM24 Million Forex Scam in Malaysia

Authorities in Malaysia have identified the prime suspect behind a foreign exchange (forex) investment fraud that has caused losses exceeding RM24 million.

In a week
How to Choose the Best Forex Pairs? Avoid Common Trading Pitfalls

How to Choose the Best Forex Pairs? Avoid Common Trading Pitfalls

Choosing the right forex pair is crucial for success. This guide explores volatility, trading sessions, and costs to help traders make informed decisions and maximize profitability.

In a week
JustForex vs JustMarkets: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2025

JustForex vs JustMarkets: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2025

Selecting the right forex broker can make the difference between trading success and frustration for most investors, especially retail investors. As retail traders gain unprecedented access to global markets, the choice between platforms like JustForex and JustMarkets becomes increasingly significant. Both brokers offer some shining features within the forex and CFD trading space, but their approaches differ in some areas.

In a week
Forex Trading: Scam or Real Opportunity?

Forex Trading: Scam or Real Opportunity?

Meta: Explore forex trading: Is it a scam or real opportunity? Learn how it works, debunk myths, manage risks, and avoid scams with tools like WikiFX App. Start trading safely today!

T&D vs AvaTrade: Which Broker Suits Your Trading Needs in 2025?

T&D vs AvaTrade: Which Broker Suits Your Trading Needs in 2025?

In this article, we compare these brokers based on basic information, regulatory status, leverage, trading platforms, account types, spreads and commissions, customer service, AI tools, and recent updates. Our goal is to provide an objective overview so you can decide which broker aligns better with your trading style and requirements.



GMI (Global Market Index) is a forex and CFD broker that offers trading services to retail and institutional clients. It was established in 2009 and registered in Saint Lucia. The broker is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK. GMI offers a range of trading instruments, including gold, oil, silver, forex, indices, and stock CFDs via the MT4, MT5 and GMI Edge platforms.

5 Arrested in the TriumphFX Investment Scam Investigation

5 Arrested in the TriumphFX Investment Scam Investigation

Malaysian authorities have intensified their investigation into the TriumphFX foreign exchange investment scam, resulting in the arrest of five individuals linked to the fraudulent scheme.

Notice: The WikiFX Simulated Trade Weekly Competition has been suspended for one week

Notice: The WikiFX Simulated Trade Weekly Competition has been suspended for one week

Due to an upcoming product upgrade to enhance your overall trading simulation experience, the WikiFX Simulated Trading Weekly Contest will be temporarily suspended from March 10 to March 16. The contest will resume on March 17 with a host of improvements.

Nifty 50 Index Futures Now Available at Interactive Brokers

Nifty 50 Index Futures Now Available at Interactive Brokers

Trade Nifty 50 Index Futures with Interactive Brokers. Access India’s top 50 firms, diversify portfolios, and manage risk on a powerful trading platform.

Canada to Enforce Retaliatory Tariffs if U.S. Duties Persist

Canada to Enforce Retaliatory Tariffs if U.S. Duties Persist

Canada is striking back! If U.S. tariffs persist, Canada will impose retaliatory duties, escalating tensions in North American trade.

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