WikiFX, as an independent third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing users with comprehensive and objective broker regulatory information services. WikiFX does not directly engage in any forex trading activities, nor does it offer any form of trading channel recommendations or investment advice. The ratings and evaluations of brokers by WikiFX are based on publicly available objective information and take into account the regulatory policy differences of various countries and regions. Broker ratings and evaluations are the core products of WikiFX, and we firmly oppose any commercial practices that may compromise their objectivity and fairness. We welcome supervision and suggestions from users worldwide. To report any concerns, please contact us:
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The ‘Boom-S’ Scam: How a Simple Click Led to RM46,534 in Losses

The ‘Boom-S’ Scam: How a Simple Click Led to RM46,534 in Losses

A 32-year-old accountant lost RM46,534 to the fraudulent 'Boom-S' investment scheme after being added to a Whatsapp group named PJT Academy.

News 15h
Crypto Scam Advertised on Facebook Costs an E-Hailing Driver RM147,600

Crypto Scam Advertised on Facebook Costs an E-Hailing Driver RM147,600

A 65-year-old e-hailing driver in Malaysia has lost RM147,604 to a fraudulent cryptocurrency stock scheme that was advertised on Facebook.

News 16h
Royal Forex’s CySEC License Revoked: Can It Still Operate Legally?

Royal Forex’s CySEC License Revoked: Can It Still Operate Legally?

CySEC revoked Royal Forex’s license on March 11, 2025, meaning the company can no longer legally operate under MiFID II regulations in the European Economic Area (EEA).

Exposure 16h
FINMA Completes 94% of Portfolio Manager and Trustee License Applications

FINMA Completes 94% of Portfolio Manager and Trustee License Applications

After a three-year transition period, FINMA has reviewed most applications, though 94 cases remain pending, some involving criminal investigations.

News 16h
Shocking! Trump to Double Tariffs on Canada!

Shocking! Trump to Double Tariffs on Canada!

Trump announced a tariff hike on Canadian steel and aluminum to 50%, shaking the markets. The Canadian stock market took a hit, the Canadian dollar plummeted, and U.S. steel and aluminum stocks surged, triggering strong reactions from all sides.

News 17h
Good News for Nigeria's Stock Market: Big Gains for Investors!

Good News for Nigeria's Stock Market: Big Gains for Investors!

Nigeria’s stock market kicked off the trading week with strong momentum, boosting investor assets by ₦52 billion. Market confidence is high, creating a rare investment boom!

News 17h
Why Is OKX Crypto Exchange Under EU Probe After Bybit $1.5B Heist?

Why Is OKX Crypto Exchange Under EU Probe After Bybit $1.5B Heist?

Why is OKX crypto exchange probed by EU after Bybit’s $1.5B heist? Explore MiCA’s role, OKX’s Web3 service, and crypto security challenges.

News 17h
IIFL Capital Faces SEBI's Regulatory Warning

IIFL Capital Faces SEBI's Regulatory Warning

India Watchdog, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) issued a warning against IIFL Capital Services for its due diligence in handling debt securities.

Exposure 18h
Coinbase Launches 24/7 Bitcoin and Ethereum Futures Trading

Coinbase Launches 24/7 Bitcoin and Ethereum Futures Trading

Coinbase introduces 24/7 Bitcoin and Ethereum futures trading for U.S. traders, offering perpetual futures contracts with CFTC approval.

News 18h
Gold Trading Insights: Prepare for Moves Above $2,900 Post-CPI

Gold Trading Insights: Prepare for Moves Above $2,900 Post-CPI

Gain gold trading insights as US CPI nears. Will $2,900 hold or break? Prepare with tariff and geopolitical factors in focus.

News 18h
What Impact on the Forex Market as Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is Arrested.

What Impact on the Forex Market as Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is Arrested.

The sudden arrest of former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on an International Criminal Court (ICC) warrant has sent shockwaves through global markets and regional investors alike. While Duterte’s arrest is being hailed by human rights groups as a decisive step toward accountability for his controversial “war on drugs,” it also raises significant questions about factors that can strongly influence the forex market.

News 19h
How Can Fintech Help You Make Money?

How Can Fintech Help You Make Money?

Fintech – short for financial technology – is rapidly transforming the way people manage, invest, and even earn money. In this article, we’ll explore various ways fintech can help you make money, from smarter investing to launching a side hustle, while also reducing costs and boosting your financial health.

News 19h
Stay Alert: Binance Email Scam Promising Access to “TRUMP Coin”

Stay Alert: Binance Email Scam Promising Access to “TRUMP Coin”

A new Binance email scam tricks users with a fake Trump Coin app that installs ConnectWise RAT malware. Learn how cybercriminals exploit trends to steal data fast.

News 19h
SILEGX: Is This a New Scammer on the Block?

SILEGX: Is This a New Scammer on the Block?

In recent weeks, concerns have emerged regarding a potential fraudulent trading platform operating under the name SILEGX. A whistleblower email, received by WikiFX’s customer service team, has drawn attention to the broker, which is allegedly linked to the now-defunct UKXVE, a platform previously accused of fraudulent activities in Malaysia.

News 19h
Pi Network Gains U.S. Bank Trust with Regulatory Approval

Pi Network Gains U.S. Bank Trust with Regulatory Approval

A breakdown of the regulatory approval process by U.S. banks and what it means for Pi Network’s role as a popular cryptocurrency in building a more equitable financial future.

News 20h
Indian Watchdog Approves Coinbase Registration in India

Indian Watchdog Approves Coinbase Registration in India

Coinbase Global, a US-based cryptocurrency exchange, is now registered with India's Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU). John O’Loghlen, Coinbase’s regional managing director for APAC, Said, “India represents one of the most exciting market opportunities in the world today, and we’re proud to deepen our investment here in full compliance with local regulations,”

News 21h

India\s Jio and Airtel ink deals to bring in Musk\s Starlink

The move has caught most analysts by surprise, as Musk has publicly clashed with both companies recently.

Industry Yesterday 08:17
WikiFX App Version 3.6.4 Release Announcement

WikiFX App Version 3.6.4 Release Announcement

We are pleased to announce that WikiFX App Version 3.6.4 has officially been released. This update includes significant functional optimizations. Below are the key updates.

News Two days ago
Silver Price Forecast: The Rebound to $32.00 and Future Predictions

Silver Price Forecast: The Rebound to $32.00 and Future Predictions

Silver price (XAG/USD) bounces back from a multi-day low. It climbs above $32.00 during Tuesday's Asian session, breaking a three-day losing streak. This rebound is due to bullish trading activity.

News Two days ago
Celebrate Ramadan 2025 with WelTrade & YAMarkets

Celebrate Ramadan 2025 with WelTrade & YAMarkets

Ramadan is not just a time of fasting and reflection but also a season of opportunity, growth, and reward. As you deepen your faith, why not deepen your financial potential as well? This Ramadan, WelTrade and YAMarkets are bringing you two incredible offers to ensure you can thrive in both your spiritual and trading journeys.

News Two days ago
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