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Forex trading
Crypto vs Forex: Which is Better? Which Should You Choose?

Crypto vs Forex: Which is Better? Which Should You Choose?

The global financial landscape has been reshaped by two dominant trading markets: cryptocurrency and foreign exchange (forex). Each offers unique opportunities, risks, and rewards, leaving traders and investors divided on which market holds the upper hand. But when it comes to choosing between them, is there a definitive answer, or does it all boil down to personal preference and risk appetite?



HFX, a trading name of PT. HFX Internasional Berjangka, is an online trading service provider based in Indonesia whose goal is to provide traders with the best trading conditions by allowing them unlimited access to liquidity, low spreads, and a wide range of products and services. HFX offers leverage up to 1:200 for forex trading and utilizes the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4) trading platform, which is known for its robust features and extensive trading tools.

Tradeview-Overview the Guide of This Broker

Tradeview-Overview the Guide of This Broker

Founded in 2004, Tradeview is a regulated brokerage firm operating in the Cayman Islands and regulated by LFSA in Malaysia. The company offers straight-through processing (STP) and holds a full license for MT4/5, providing traders with access to various financial markets, such as forex, stocks, futures, etc. Tradeview's account settings are different from most brokers, read this article to have a comprehensive understanding of Tradeview's accounts.

DOJ Investigates LIBRA Memecoin Scam: $87M Lost by Investors

DOJ Investigates LIBRA Memecoin Scam: $87M Lost by Investors

DOJ investigates $LIBRA memecoin scam costing $87M-$107M. Crypto fraud rocks investors target Hayden Davis and sparks Argentine President Milei controversy.

WikiFX Community Hot Topic Collection Contest

WikiFX Community Hot Topic Collection Contest

Revealing Trading Secrets – Sharing Experience of Successful Traders!

FXTM-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

FXTM-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

FXTM, or Forex Time, is a global forex and CFD broker founded in 2011. It is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) in the UK and the Financial Services Commission (FSC) in Mauritius. FXTM offers a variety of trading instruments, including forex, metals, commodities, stocks, indices, cryptocurrencies, and CFDs. In terms of trading fees, FXTM offers variable spreads on most of its instruments, with spreads close to 0 pips.

TriumphFX: The Persistent Forex Scam Draining Millions from Malaysians

TriumphFX: The Persistent Forex Scam Draining Millions from Malaysians

Authorities have uncovered extensive losses amounting to over RM23.7 million in connection with the TriumphFX foreign exchange investment scam, with 72 cases reported to date.

2025 SkyLine Guide Thailand Opening Ceremony: Jointly Witnessing New Skyline in a New Chapter

2025 SkyLine Guide Thailand Opening Ceremony: Jointly Witnessing New Skyline in a New Chapter

Today, judges from the 2024 SkyLine Thailand project, industry authority experts, and representatives from outstanding brokers on the 2024 SkyLine Thailand list gathered to witness the brilliant launch of the 2025 WikiFX SkyLine Guide.

Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

A Malaysian night market vendor has lost RM500,000 which is the entirety of his and his wife’s life savings after falling prey to a fraudulent foreign exchange investment scheme registered in Seychelles, East Africa.

FIBO Group -Overview Guide of This Broker

FIBO Group -Overview Guide of This Broker

FIBO Group, or International Financial Holding FIBO Group, is an international financial holding company that was established in 1998. It offers online trading services, primarily in the foreign exchange market, but also provides a platform for the trading of CFDs, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. Headquartered in Vienna, Austria, the company has a global presence with subsidiaries in the British Virgin Islands, Cyprus, Australia, Singapore, and Russia, as well as offices in several other countries. FIBO Group started as an investment consulting firm and evolved into a prominent player in the forex market, and in 2017 it expanded into cryptocurrency derivatives.

 FxPro-Some Important Points about This Broker

FxPro-Some Important Points about This Broker

Founded in 2006, FxPro is a reputable UK-based broker, offering trading on forex, crypto CFDs, metals, indices, futures, energy, and shares via the popular MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5) and cTrader platforms, as well as its proprietary platform, FxPro WebTrader and FxPro Mobile App. In addition to its trading services, FxPro provides clients with a comprehensive knowledge hub, which contains all kinds of educational resources, friendly for both beginners and professionals.

FBS-Overview Guide of This Broker

FBS-Overview Guide of This Broker

FBS is a regulated broker that provides 550+ tradable instruments, including currency pairs, metals, energies, indices, and shares with leverage up to 1:3000, spread from 0.0 pips and commissions from 0% through FBS app, MT4 and MT5 trading platforms. The minimum deposit requirement is just $5.

02-25 is one of the most respected and trusted forex brokers in the foreign exchange trading industry. Founded in 2001, is a global company licensed and regulated by several reputable regulatory authorities, including ASIC in Australia, FCA in the United Kingdom, FSA in Japan, NFA in the United States, IIROC in Canada, CIMA in the Cayman Islands and MAS in Singapore. These regulators are known for their strict compliance and oversight requirements, which means that is required to meet high ethical and operational standards to protect its clients and ensure the safety of their funds.

The Most Effective Technical Indicators for Forex Trading

The Most Effective Technical Indicators for Forex Trading

Master Forex trading with the most effective technical indicators like RSI, MACD, and Bollinger Bands to spot trends and boost profits in 2025.

Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

Decade-Long FX Scheme Unravels: Victims Lose Over RM48 Mil

A sophisticated forex investment scheme that took a decade to establish has been exposed as a global financial fraud. In Malaysia alone, at least 77 individuals have reportedly lost more than RM48 million.

Pepperstone Adds 79 Stocks to 24-Hour US Share CFDs

Pepperstone Adds 79 Stocks to 24-Hour US Share CFDs

Pepperstone expands 24-hour US share CFDs, adding 79 stocks like Tesla and Nvidia, meeting demand for after-hours trading opportunities.

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Authorities in Malaysia have launched an extensive investigation into a fraudulent stock investment scheme, which has resulted in losses amounting to RM638,205.

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Unmasking the ‘Datuk’: The Anatomy of a RM638,205 Investment Scam

Authorities in Malaysia have launched an extensive investigation into a fraudulent stock investment scheme, which has resulted in losses amounting to RM638,205.

WikiFX Elites Club —— Fun Spring Camping in Malaysia Successfully Concluded!

WikiFX Elites Club —— Fun Spring Camping in Malaysia Successfully Concluded!

From February 20 to 21, WikiFX Elites Club hosted an exclusive “Spring Camping” event in the stunning Cameron Highlands, blending forex trading excitement with the serenity of nature. Members engaged in simulated trading competitions, social networking, and outdoor adventures, fostering deep connections and valuable industry insights.

WikiFX Review: Is IVY Markets Reliable?

WikiFX Review: Is IVY Markets Reliable?

IVY Markets, established in 2018, positions itself as a global brokerage offering a diverse range of trading instruments, including Forex, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, and Stocks. The platform provides two primary account types—Standard and PRO—with a minimum deposit requirement of $50 and leverage up to 1:400.

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