WikiFX, as an independent third-party information service platform, is dedicated to providing users with comprehensive and objective broker regulatory information services. WikiFX does not directly engage in any forex trading activities, nor does it offer any form of trading channel recommendations or investment advice. The ratings and evaluations of brokers by WikiFX are based on publicly available objective information and take into account the regulatory policy differences of various countries and regions. Broker ratings and evaluations are the core products of WikiFX, and we firmly oppose any commercial practices that may compromise their objectivity and fairness. We welcome supervision and suggestions from users worldwide. To report any concerns, please contact us:
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Forex trading
Germany's Election: Immigration, Economy & Political Tensions Take Centre Stage

Germany's Election: Immigration, Economy & Political Tensions Take Centre Stage

Germany is set to hold a crucial general election on 23 February 2025, with voter frustration over migration emerging as a dominant issue.

XTB Secures Chilean License, Expands Latin America Footprint

XTB Secures Chilean License, Expands Latin America Footprint

XTB gains a securities agent license in Chile, boosting its Latin America presence. The broker plans to offer stocks, ETFs, and derivatives to local investors.

Deepfake Deception: New Face of Financial Scams in Forex and Crypto

Deepfake Deception: New Face of Financial Scams in Forex and Crypto

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial scams, fraudsters are now leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) to deceive unsuspecting victims. Deepfake technology, which manipulates audio and video to create hyper-realistic but entirely fabricated content, has become a powerful tool for scammers, particularly in the forex and cryptocurrency markets.

WikiFX Community Creator Growth Camp

WikiFX Community Creator Growth Camp

Your Insights, the Compass for Global Forex Traders



IG is a UK-registered company and regulated by multiple international financial bodies, including the ASIC, FCA, FSA, AMF, FMA, MAS, and DFSA. It offers access to a 17000+ markets, including currencies, indices, cryptocurrencies, stocks and commodities. The company provides multiple trading platforms, including an intuitive web platform, MetaTrader 4, L2 dealer and mobile apps. It also offers multilingual customer support through various channels, including telephone, email, social media and online chat.



Pepperstone is a Forex and CFD broker founded in 2010 in Melbourne, Australia. The company has quickly grown to become one of the largest Forex and CFD brokers in the world with over 150,000 clients across the globe. Pepperstone is regulated by top-tier financial authorities, including the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), etc. It offers a wide range of trading instruments including forex, indices, commodities, and cryptocurrencies.



  Exness is a globally recognized forex broker, operating in over 170 countries, offering a diverse range of tradable assets, including currencies, commodities, stocks, indices, and cryptos. With a daily execution of over 300,000 trades and monthly trading volumes exceeding $1 trillion, Exness is a high-volume broker known for its transparency. Regulated by CySEC, FCA FSCA, and FSA (offshore) in different jurisdictions, Exness adheres to strict financial standards. In this Exness review, we'll explore the broker's offerings in detail to reveal the real exness.

No One Falls for Scams… Until They Do. Are You Next?

No One Falls for Scams… Until They Do. Are You Next?

Scams thrive on the belief that only the naive or uninformed become victims. Many assume that intelligence, financial acumen, or sheer scepticism will shield them from fraudsters.

LQDFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

LQDFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Established in late 2015, LQDFX is an online Forex and CFD broker registered in the United Kingdom that provides access to a wide range of financial instruments, including currencies, commodities, indices, metals, cryptocurrencies, and stocks. The company offers several account types with low minimum deposit requirement on MT4 platform, as well as a variety of trading tools and educational resources. However, LQDFX is currently not licensed or regulated by any financial institution.

Fusion Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

Fusion Markets-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

  Fusion Markets is well-regulated forex broker with an excellent operation. With Fusion Market, traders can access forex trading with 250+ trading instruments, including forex, energy, precious metals, equity indices, and stocks with leverage up to 1:500 and spread from 0.0 pips via MetaTrader 4 (MT4), MetaTrader 5 (MT5), cTrader, and TradingView platforms. Demo accounts are available and there is no minimum deposit requirement.



Axi (formerly AxiTrader) was founded in 2007, and has since expanded its presence to include offices in other regions, including Latin America, Asia, and the Middle East. Axi welcomes all kinds of traders of all skill levels. If you're new to trading and want to start without too much capitalspending much, the $0 minimum deposit and user-friendly platform are great. Irrespective of a traders skill, there are many options to trade, good spreads, and lightning-fast execution. And for those inclined towards advanced features, Axi's ECN system and MetaTrader 4 platform are a notable combination.

NordFX -Overview Guide of This Broker

NordFX -Overview Guide of This Broker

NordFX is a forex broker that offers currencies, commodities, shares & indices, and cryptocurrencies for your personal investment and trading options. It was established in 2008 and is registered in Vanuatu. NordFX provides online trading platforms and free training. The MetaTrader platforms also provide automated trading and market signals. However, it currently does not have any valid regulation.

SimpleFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

SimpleFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Spreads & Leverage

SimpleFX is a CFD broker offering leveraged trading with competitive fees and no minimum deposit. SimpleFX Ltd is based offshore in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and has been in operation since 2014, providing a variety of CFDs and cryptocurrencies through a single account.

High Spreads, Hidden Fees? Comparing the Real Costs of Forex Trading

High Spreads, Hidden Fees? Comparing the Real Costs of Forex Trading

Know the hidden costs of Forex trading, including spreads, swap fees, and commissions, and learn how they impact your profits. Stay informed and trade smarter!

How Robo-Advisors Are Transforming Forex Portfolio Management

How Robo-Advisors Are Transforming Forex Portfolio Management

In this article, we will explore how robo-advisors are reshaping forex portfolio management and the impact they have on traders.

How to Spot a Fake Forex Broker Before You Lose Money

How to Spot a Fake Forex Broker Before You Lose Money

Know how to spot fake Forex brokers and protect your investments. Verify regulatory status, watch out for unrealistic claims, and use tools like WikiFX for added security.

Broker Comparison: XM vs AvaTrade

Broker Comparison: XM vs AvaTrade

When evaluating online trading platforms, it’s essential to compare brokers like XM and AvaTrade to determine which aligns best with your trading needs. Below is a comprehensive comparison based on key factors such as regulatory status, leverage, trading platforms, account types, spreads and commissions, customer service, AI tools, and recent updates.

The Truth About Diversification: Why Most Traders Get It Wrong

The Truth About Diversification: Why Most Traders Get It Wrong

Diversification is often hailed as the holy grail of risk management, a strategy that every trader and investor should adopt to protect their portfolio. But the reality is that many traders misunderstand the concept, believing that simply holding multiple assets equates to lower risk. So, how can diversification be done the right way? Let’s uncover the common misconceptions and explore professional strategies to ensure risk is truly mitigated.

Eightcap Review 2025: Accounts and Fees to Explore

Eightcap Review 2025: Accounts and Fees to Explore

Eightcap, a well-established online trading broker, has gained great popularity among retail investors in the middle of its launch. Unlike many other forex brokers, Eightcap is not just a MetaTrader forex broker, it come with focus on Tradingview and automated trading through Eightcap provides a narrow range of trading instruments overall, only 800 CFDs across Forex, commodities, indices, shares, and cryptocurrency derivatives, comparably limited choices for more seasoned traders. Three account types are on offer, no minimum deposit tiers, all starting with $100, and to enhance trading flexibility, a generous leverage of up to 500:1 is provided. Scalping is also allowed on this platform.

PU Prime-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

PU Prime-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

PU Prime is a forex and CFD broker that was founded in 2016 and is based in Australia. The broker offers a wide variety of trading instruments, including Forex, Indices, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, Metals, Shares, Bonds, ETFs. PU Prime provides five different account types to cater to the diverse trading needs of its clients. These account types include Cent, Standard, Prime, Pro, Islamic, with each account offering different features and benefits such as minimum deposit requirements, spreads, and leverage.

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