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Forex trading
Advanced Forex Trading Strategies for Competitive Markets

Advanced Forex Trading Strategies for Competitive Markets

The foreign exchange (forex) market is the largest and most liquid financial market in the world, with trillions of dollars traded daily. For traders, this presents both opportunities and challenges. While the potential for profit is significant, the competitive nature of the market demands a sophisticated approach. To thrive in this environment, traders must adopt advanced strategies that go beyond the basics. This article explores key techniques, including understanding market trends, mastering technical indicators, trading breakouts and reversals, and building a robust trading plan for consistency.

200 Years of Market Mayhem: Every Major Financial Crisis Explained

200 Years of Market Mayhem: Every Major Financial Crisis Explained

Financial crises have shaped economies for centuries, often leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. While each crisis has its own unique causes, recurring themes, such as speculation, regulatory failures, and external shocks, continue to threaten global markets. This article explores the most significant financial collapses in history, revealing the patterns that link past crises to modern financial instability.

Shocking RM886k Investment Scam in Malaysia: Teacher's Savings Wiped Out!

Shocking RM886k Investment Scam in Malaysia: Teacher's Savings Wiped Out!

A 43-year-old Malaysian tuition teacher lost RM886,000 in a social media investment scam involving the fraudulent Trus Wallet scheme. Lured by promises of high returns, she transferred funds through 30 transactions before realizing the deception. This case highlights the rise of online investment scams targeting unsuspecting individuals.

Forex Scam Defrauds Over RM100 Million from Hundreds of Investors

Forex Scam Defrauds Over RM100 Million from Hundreds of Investors

A foreign exchange (forex) investment scam that swindled more than 100 million ringgit from hundreds of investors has prompted the Malaysian International Humanitarian Organization (MHO) to take action.

Investment Scams on Social Media: Why Do People Still Fall for Them?

Investment Scams on Social Media: Why Do People Still Fall for Them?

In the digital era, social media platforms have become a double-edged sword. While they connect millions of users worldwide, they have also evolved into a breeding ground for fraudulent investment schemes. Criminals exploit these platforms to lure unsuspecting victims with promises of quick and high returns.

How to Conquer Fear and Greed in Trading

How to Conquer Fear and Greed in Trading

Fear and greed are the two biggest emotions traders face. These feelings can lead to poor decisions. Many traders fail because they let their emotions take over. If you want to succeed, you must learn to control them.

How to Identify Support and Resistance Levels Like a Pro

How to Identify Support and Resistance Levels Like a Pro

Know how to identify support and resistance levels like a pro with expert tips, tools, and strategies for successful trading. Master chart analysis today!

Is Copy Trading as Safe as It Seems?

Is Copy Trading as Safe as It Seems?

Many traders want to make money without spending too much time learning. Copy trading seems like an easy way to do this. It allows you to copy the trades of experienced traders. You follow their moves, and your account mirrors their actions. It sounds simple. But is it really safe?

TradingHub Expands in Australia with Bronwyn Hill as Senior Relationship Manager

TradingHub Expands in Australia with Bronwyn Hill as Senior Relationship Manager

TradingHub appoints Bronwyn Hill as Senior Relationship Manager to boost trade surveillance and compliance in Australia. Learn more about their growth plans.

BotBro-Some Important Details about This Broker

BotBro-Some Important Details about This Broker

BotBro is an AI based forex trading robot, which was not established long. BotBro offers three trading accounts to satisfy different traders trading needs, Standard, Classic and Premium, with the minimum deposit to start from $100. There is no evidence that BotBro is authorized or regulated by any regulatory authority.

Guze Markets

Guze Markets

Guze Markets is a Forex broker in online trading and provides both beginner and professional traders with access to various opportunities across global financial markets including currency pairs, crypto, gold, oil, and stocks. Traders can access the popular MT5 trading platform and receive spreads starting from 0 pips through Guze Markets. The broker also provides six accounts with a maximum leverage of 1:1000 and a minimum deposit of $10. Guze Markets is still risky due to its exceeded status, and high leverage.



FXOpulence is a broker in online trading and provides both beginner and professional traders with access to various opportunities across global financial markets including forex, cryptocurrencies, metals, CFDs, indices, and synthetic indices. The broker also provides up to 500x leverage, different account types, and 24-hour customer support. The minimum spread is from 0 pip and the minimum deposit is $50. Traders can access the popular MT5 trading platform through FXOpulence.

STARTRADER-Overview of this broker

STARTRADER-Overview of this broker

STARTRADER is a forex broker that offers trading services for 200+ financial instruments, including forex currency pairs, commodities such as gold and oil, indices such as the S&P 500, and more. The broker offers two different types of trading accounts, that is Standard and ECN accounts, each with its own unique features and benefits, a minimum deposit of $50 is required to start trading on the platform.

Key Risks and Downsides of Forex Trading Explained

Key Risks and Downsides of Forex Trading Explained

Discover the key risks and downsides of forex trading, including market volatility, leverage dangers, and emotional challenges. Learn how to trade wisely.

eToro Review 2025: Trading Accounts & Withdrawals to Explore

eToro Review 2025: Trading Accounts & Withdrawals to Explore

eToro is an intuitive online trading platfrom that features social trading solutions, a unique being in the industry, with great popularity among both novices and seasoned traders. On the eToro platform, traders can trader over greater amount of stocks and ETFs with zero commission charged,anencouraging feature was later adopted by many of its competitors. 55 currencies can be traded, with spreads starting at 1 pip (typically on the euro/usd pair), not that competitive, and a trading fee of 1% trading fee of 1% applies to crypto trading. Opening a trading account is quite easy for investors, and demo accounts (funded with $100,000 virtual money) are also provided to enhance beginners' trading courage. However, a major disencouraging point is that this broker has a more limited platform options, only eToro proprietary trading platform and MetaTrader (MT4) supported.

EBSWARE Prop Launches Forex Trading Tournaments for Brokers

EBSWARE Prop Launches Forex Trading Tournaments for Brokers

EBSWARE Prop introduces a white-label solution for Forex brokers, featuring trading tournaments, multi-platform integration, and affiliate systems to boost user engagement.



GARNET TRADE is an ASIC-licensed broker that provides electronically traded products including equities, CFDs, energies, metals, and Forex worldwide. The broker also provides various accounts with up to 500x max leverage and 24-hour customer support. Traders can access MT5 through GARNET TRADE.

RaiseFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

RaiseFX-Overview of Minimum Deposit, Leverage, Spreads

RaiseFX is a broker with 25 years of experience. RaiseFX specializes in various opportunities across 5 financial markets including forex, indices, crypto, stocks, and commodities. The broker also provides demo accounts, up to 500/1 max. Leverage, and 24/7 available support. Traders can also access MT5 to trade.

City Index Review 2025: Trading Accounts & Withdrawals to Explore

City Index Review 2025: Trading Accounts & Withdrawals to Explore

Founded in 1983, City Index is a long-established online trading platform specializing in CFDs on an extensive range of markets covering Indices, Shares, Forex, Gold & Silver, Commodities , spread betting (for UK clients only) , future trading. City Index features comparably low forex trading fees, simple and quick account opening process, ideal for retail investors to experience trading process here. However, this broker does not support social trading and provides limited cryptocurrency choices.

The Top 5 Trading Strategies You Can't Miss

The Top 5 Trading Strategies You Can't Miss

In forex trading, there is no absolute winning strategy. However, why do so many traders ultimately fail? Let’s explore the reasons behind this and learn about some common trading strategies and techniques.

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