If you want to learn more about life insurance, figure out if it's for you, and get some tips on where to start, you've come to the right place.
What is a good interest rate on a credit card? The lowest APR you can possibly get — and that all depends on your credit score.
Wondering if you should pay your debt or save for retirement first? If you have high-interest debt, pay that first then save for retirement.
Anyone can create a free My Social Security account to find out exactly what their monthly benefit will be when they retire.
High-yield checking accounts that offer more than 2% APY are becoming more common, but you'll want to read the fine print before you sign up.
It can feel like there are endless ways to make money from home, but being smart about the opportunities you take can make a big difference.
Getting cash from a credit card is one of the most expensive ways to borrow money thanks to high fees and high interest rates on the cash you borrow.
Consider hiring a financial advisor if you need specific advice or you're too overwhelmed to plan for retirement or invest in the stock market.
If you're worried about a recession, there are only two things you need to do: secure an emergency fund and ensure your investments are diversified.
People can borrow money for a home improvement project through home equity loans, HELOCs, credit cards with 0% interest, and personal loans.
You can pay off student loans faster and save money on interest by increasing your monthly payment by as little as $100.
Why invest in the stock market? Because although the market will fluctuate, it's more dangerous to miss out on the long-term investing gains.
Avoiding risk by not investing in the stock market also means you're missing out on potential gain. It may be time to put your extra savings to work.
Invest when you've already paid off high-interest debt, like student loans and credit-card debt, and established an emergency fund.
Since home equity loans let you borrow against the equity in your home, you can qualify for a lower APR than you could with a different type of loan.
Opening a new bank account to get a cash bonus can be a quick way to bolster your savings, as long as you're clear on the requirements.
The first step to get a loan is checking and improving your credit. You'll get multiple lender quotes, and you'll want to be the best possible buyer.
A money-market account is a hybrid savings and checking account, with high interest rates and, sometimes, access to a debit card and checks.
Lenders look at debt-to-income ratio — monthly debt payments divided by monthly gross income — to decide whether a borrower can afford another loan.
Wealthfront's Cash Account, a new high-yield savings account, is fee-free and requires a minimum opening deposit of $1, making it accessible to all.