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March 21, 2024 DAILY MARKET NEWSLETTER: Fed Hints at Rate Cuts, Stocks Surge

March 21, 2024 DAILY MARKET NEWSLETTER: Fed Hints at Rate Cuts, Stocks Surge

Consider including the date in your title for clarity.

Daily Market Newsletter - March 12, 2024: Market Recap: S&P 500 and Nasdaq Decline, Bitcoin Boosts Microstrategy to Record Highs

Daily Market Newsletter - March 12, 2024: Market Recap: S&P 500 and Nasdaq Decline, Bitcoin Boosts Microstrategy to Record Highs

Insights from Trading Central's Global Research Desks

U.S. stock indexes retreated from their record-high levels. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 274 points (-0.71%) to 38,380, the S&P 500 fell 15 points (-0.32%) to 4,942, the Nasdaq 100 was down 29 points (-0.17%) to 17,613.

U.S. stock indexes retreated from their record-high levels. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped 274 points (-0.71%) to 38,380, the S&P 500 fell 15 points (-0.32%) to 4,942, the Nasdaq 100 was down 29 points (-0.17%) to 17,613.

Nvidia (NVDA) gained 4.79% to $693.32, marking a third consecutive record close. Goldman Sachs raised its price target on the stock to $800. Tesla (TSLA) fell 3.65% to $181.06, the lowest close since May 2023. ON Semiconductor (ON) jumped 9.54% as fourth-quarter results exceeded market expectations.

Financial Markets Update: Stocks Soar Amidst Tech Surge and Dollar Decline

Financial Markets Update: Stocks Soar Amidst Tech Surge and Dollar Decline

Volatility Persists as Cryptocurrencies React to Regulatory Developments

5 things you should know about investlite.com

5 things you should know about investlite.com

InvestLite is an offshore regulated broker, offering rather competitive trading conditions, including a leverage level of 1:500 and tight spreads. The trading instruments include Crypto, Commodities, Stocks, Indices and Metals. The trading platforms offered include Web trader and Mobile applications only. They also claim to take care of the safety of the funds of the traders, find out if it’s true in the full InvestLite review.

Budget focus sends stocks up for 3rd day

Budget focus sends stocks up for 3rd day

The Philippine Stock Exchange index

Gold Price Rise May Extend But Signs of Exhaustion Are Emerging

Gold Price Rise May Extend But Signs of Exhaustion Are Emerging

Gold prices may continue inching upward but technical cues pointing to ebbing momentum are warning of a possible pullback before the broader rise resumes.

Crude Oil Prices May Fall as US Data Feeds Growth Slump Fears

Crude Oil Prices May Fall as US Data Feeds Growth Slump Fears

Crude oil prices may continue to fall alongside stocks if soggy US retail sales and other data continues to feed fears about a looming slump in economic growth.

Crude Oil Price Drop May Resume as Risk Appetite Evaporates

Crude Oil Price Drop May Resume as Risk Appetite Evaporates

Crude oil prices may succumb to selling pressure once again after a brief respite as trade war worries push markets to reduce exposure ahead of the weekend.

S&P 500 Forecast: Stocks Rebound, but will the Recovery Continue?

S&P 500 Forecast: Stocks Rebound, but will the Recovery Continue?

After plummeting at the open, the S&P 500 mounted a relief effort during Wednesday trading to eventually close in the green. While the rebound was encouraging, can it surmount nearby resistance?

Crude Oil Prices Eye 2-Month Low as Trade War Sours Global Growth

Crude Oil Prices Eye 2-Month Low as Trade War Sours Global Growth

Crude oil prices seem poised to revisit two-month lows near the $50/bbl figure as US-China trade war escalation sours global economic growth expectations.

Dow Jones Suffers Largest Decline in 2019 as Trade War Fears Rage

Dow Jones Suffers Largest Decline in 2019 as Trade War Fears Rage

The Dow Jones Industrial Average sank over 750 points on Monday as the US-China trade war entered a new phase over the weekend which shook investor confidence to the core.

Gold Prices May Fall with Stocks, Crude Oil on Soft US GDP Data

Gold Prices May Fall with Stocks, Crude Oil on Soft US GDP Data

Gold prices fell with stocks and crude oil prices as the ECB dithered on imminent stimulus expansion. More of the same may come after soft US GDP data.

Nasdaq 100 Outlook: FB, TSLA Earnings to Drive Stock Sentiment

Nasdaq 100 Outlook: FB, TSLA Earnings to Drive Stock Sentiment

After an abysmal earnings miss from Boeing (BA), Facebook (FB) and Tesla (TSLA) will look to prop up sentiment -particularly for the Nasdaq 100 and the tech sector.

Crude Oil Prices May Rise While Gold Falls as Markets Consolidate

Crude Oil Prices May Rise While Gold Falls as Markets Consolidate

Crude oil prices may turn higher while gold pulls back from recent highs as commodity markets digest recent volatility into the end of the trading week.

Stock Market Outlook: Dow Jones Wades Above Support, Levi Misses

Stock Market Outlook: Dow Jones Wades Above Support, Levi Misses

Despite a late-day rebound, the Dow Jones closed slightly lower to post a third consecutive decline. With FOMC minutes fast approaching, the Index finds itself at a key crossroad.

Gold Price Gains May Be Fleeting as US Dollar Reclaims Haven Bid

Gold Price Gains May Be Fleeting as US Dollar Reclaims Haven Bid

Explosive gold price gains may be fleeting as market turmoil continues even as traders run out of room to price in a more dovish Fed, allowing the US Dollar to rebound.

Gold Prices May Break Key Support as US Dollar Reclaims Haven Bid

Gold Prices May Break Key Support as US Dollar Reclaims Haven Bid

Gold prices fell as the US Dollar regained support from haven-seeking capital flows after a brief lapse. More of the same may see the metal break nine-month trend support.

Gold Prices May Drop as FOMC Minutes Cool Rate Cut Speculation

Gold Prices May Drop as FOMC Minutes Cool Rate Cut Speculation

Gold prices may fall as minutes from Mays FOMC monetary policy meeting cool interest rate cut speculation and offer a boost to the US Dollar.

Yen Up Before Golden Week, May Extend Rise on Risk Trends

Yen Up Before Golden Week, May Extend Rise on Risk Trends

The Japanese Yen rose ahead of the Golden Week holiday in Japan. Souring risk appetite amid deepening global growth concerns may see further headway made.

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