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Key Economic Indicators: What to Watch Today

Key Economic Indicators: What to Watch Today

MARKET ANALYSISGOLDGOLD prices are showing increased bullish movement after bouncing off the EMA200. Prices have broken out of the consolidation zone and are nearing historic highs. Analysts suggest $

Review 43m
Today's Economic Outlook

Today's Economic Outlook

MARKET ANALYSIS GOLD GOLD prices are showing increased bullish movement after bouncing off the EMA200. Prices have broken out of the consolidation zone and are nearing historic highs. Analys

Review 46m
Mastering Swing Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Profitable Strategies

Mastering Swing Trading: A Comprehensive Guide to Profitable Strategies

Swing trading is a short- to medium-term investment strategy that falls between the fast-paced nature of day trading and the patience required for long-term investing. Its goal is to capitalize on mar

Nachrichten 1h
DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 13, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 13, 2025

MARKET ANALYSIS GOLD GOLD prices are currently seeing increased bullish movement as we anticipated after prices went for a bounce off the EMA200 yesterday. The prices have finally broken out of the co

Review 1h
U.S. CPI Come Soft, Buoys Wall Street

U.S. CPI Come Soft, Buoys Wall Street

The U.S. CPI reading came softer than the market consensus, and the dollar was lacklustre. Wall Street rebounded after the CPI came softer and reinforced a dovish Fed expectation. Gold prices edge hig

Nachrichten 1h


BUY GOLD 2915 and below target 2950SELL GOLD 2948 and above target 2912BUY EURUSD 10870 target 10935SELL EURUSD 10930 target 10860BUY GBPUSD 12915 target 12990SELL GBPUSD 12995 target 12910BUY USDJPY

Review 5h
U. S. consumer inflation cooled in February, the Federal Reserve interest rate cut expected not incr

U. S. consumer inflation cooled in February, the Federal Reserve interest rate cut expected not incr

Hot spot trackingThe US consumer price index for February came in below expectations across the board, with swap markets cutting their bets on the Fed cutting interest rates this year from 73 basis po

Review 5h
FBS Celebrates 16 Years with an Adventurous Birthday Quest

FBS Celebrates 16 Years with an Adventurous Birthday Quest

FBS is marking its 16th anniversary with a special campaign — FBS Birthday Quest. Over the past 16 years, FBS has been on an incredible journey alongside its clients. Now, as a way to give back, we in

Nachrichten 17h
Seize the Crypto Trend! Digital Currency Now on CWG Markets MT5!

Seize the Crypto Trend! Digital Currency Now on CWG Markets MT5!

Nachrichten 22h
PU Prime's Triple Triumph at the 2025 BRM Awards in Brazil

PU Prime's Triple Triumph at the 2025 BRM Awards in Brazil

PU Prime, a globally recognized fintech leader in trading and investment services, proudly claimed three top honors at the 2025 Brands Review Magazine (BRM) Awards in Brazil. The company was nam

Nachrichten 22h
【MACRO Alert】An in- depth analysis of the US February CPI report - the complex game between inflatio

【MACRO Alert】An in- depth analysis of the US February CPI report - the complex game between inflatio

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics will release the February Consumer Price Index (CPI) report at 20:30 on Wednesday, March 12. The market generally expects inflation to ease during the month, but pr

Nachrichten 23h
Euro Gains on Ukraine-Russia Ceasefire Deal

Euro Gains on Ukraine-Russia Ceasefire Deal

The euro remains bullish as Ukraine reportedly accepts the proposed ceasefire deal with Russia. Trump threatened Canada to raise tariffs, raise concerns over potential trade war, and push gold prices

Nachrichten Yesterday 14:33
DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 12, 2025

DBG Markets: Market Report for Mar 12, 2025

Market AnalysisGOLD - GOLD prices consolidate still with no apparent change in movement. It went according to our expectations with it bouncing off the bottom zone of price. There is a chance for the

Review Yesterday 13:50
US tariff concerns drop USD; gold up $30. Focus on US CPI data.

US tariff concerns drop USD; gold up $30. Focus on US CPI data.

On Tuesday, the US dollar index fluctuated downwards, reaching its lowest level since mid October last year, and ultimately closed down 0.511% at 103.39. After hitting a five month low, the yield on U

Nachrichten Yesterday 13:47
Ultima Markets | USDCNH Analysis: Be aware of false breakthrough

Ultima Markets | USDCNH Analysis: Be aware of false breakthrough

In this comprehensive analysis, Ultima Markets brings you an insightful breakdown of the USDCNH for MAR 12, 2025.Fundamental Analysis of USDCNHUSDCNH Key TakeawaysFiscal policy of the PBOC: The PBOC h

Nachrichten Yesterday 13:42
Today's Market Movers

Today's Market Movers

Market Analysis GOLD - GOLD prices consolidate still with no apparent change in movement. It went according to our expectations with it bouncing off the bottom zone of price. There is a c

Review Yesterday 13:32
AUS GLOBAL launches the “Lucky Card” event to express gratitude to new and loyal customers on the oc

AUS GLOBAL launches the “Lucky Card” event to express gratitude to new and loyal customers on the oc

As the joyous occasion of Eid al-Fitr approaches, we at AUS GLOBAL sincerely express our gratitude to our clients and partners for their trust and support by hosting the “Lucky Card” event. Simply fli

Nachrichten Yesterday 13:04
EBC's Take on AI's Future in Global Trading and Thailand's Financial Markets

EBC's Take on AI's Future in Global Trading and Thailand's Financial Markets

Financial markets are no longer navigated by instinct alone. Traders once relied on gut feelings and years of experience, much like sailors reading the stars to guide their ships. Today, AI is the new

Nachrichten Yesterday 12:46
What to Watch Today

What to Watch Today

GOLDGold remains range-bound, with no significant movement breaking the current structure. Price behaved as expected, bouncing off key support levels. However, a potential resolution in the Ukraine-Ru

Review Yesterday 12:36
Market Outlook: Experts Weigh In on Today's News

Market Outlook: Experts Weigh In on Today's News

GOLD Gold prices remain in consolidation, with little change in movement. As expected, the price rebounded from the lower boundary of its range. The possibility of a resolution in the Ukraine

Review Yesterday 12:33
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