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Safe-haven yen, Swiss franc rise on Omicron fears, Fed policy uncertainty

Safe-haven yen, Swiss franc rise on Omicron fears, Fed policy uncertainty

The dollar ticked higher on Friday amid a broadly calmer tone in markets as fears over Omicron’s impact eased, but currency moves were muted ahead of a key U.S. payrolls report that could clear the path to earlier Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.

Safe-haven yen, Swiss franc rise on Omicron fears, Fed policy uncertainty

Safe-haven yen, Swiss franc rise on Omicron fears, Fed policy uncertainty

The dollar ticked higher on Friday amid a broadly calmer tone in markets as fears over Omicron’s impact eased, but currency moves were muted ahead of a key U.S. payrolls report that could clear the path to earlier Federal Reserve interest rate hikes.

Crude Oil Prices at Risk if US Economic Data Cool Fed Rate Cut Bets

Crude Oil Prices at Risk if US Economic Data Cool Fed Rate Cut Bets

Crude oil prices may fall if upbeat US retail sales and consumer confidence data cool Fed rate cut bets and sour risk appetite across financial markets.

Gold, Crude Oil Prices at Risk if ECB, US CPI Cool Stimulus Hopes

Gold, Crude Oil Prices at Risk if ECB, US CPI Cool Stimulus Hopes

Gold and crude oil prices may be pressured if the ECB underwhelms investors dovish hopes while higher US core inflation cools Fed rate cut expectations.

Gold, Crude Oil Prices at Risk if US Jobs Data Cools Rate Cut Bets

Gold, Crude Oil Prices at Risk if US Jobs Data Cools Rate Cut Bets

Gold and crude oil prices may be pressured if upbeat US employment figures cool Fed interest rate cut prospects, souring sentiment across markets pining for stimulus.

USDCAD Rebound Unravels Ahead of Fed Symposium Amid Sticky Canada CPI

USDCAD Rebound Unravels Ahead of Fed Symposium Amid Sticky Canada CPI

USDCAD pullbacks ahead of the Fed Economic Symposium as Canadas Consumer Price Index (CPI) comes in stronger-than-expected in July.

Gold Price Rise May Extend But Signs of Exhaustion Are Emerging

Gold Price Rise May Extend But Signs of Exhaustion Are Emerging

Gold prices may continue inching upward but technical cues pointing to ebbing momentum are warning of a possible pullback before the broader rise resumes.

Crude Oil and Gold Prices May Fall Further on BOE Rate Decision

Crude Oil and Gold Prices May Fall Further on BOE Rate Decision

Gold prices may fall – making good on technical clues pointing to topping – as the Federal Reserve shies away from endorsing the markets ultra-dovish policy outlook.

Gold Prices May Fall as the Fed Falls Short of Dovish Market Hopes

Gold Prices May Fall as the Fed Falls Short of Dovish Market Hopes

Gold prices may fall – making good on technical clues pointing to topping – as the Federal Reserve shies away from endorsing the markets ultra-dovish policy outlook.

Gold Price Eyes Fed, but Gold Volatility (GVZ) Hints at Upside

Gold Price Eyes Fed, but Gold Volatility (GVZ) Hints at Upside

Gold prices will likely take cue from the July Fed meeting, but using gold price volatility as a bellwether suggests XAUUSD might rise.

US Dollar Goes Haywire on Fed-Speak Mis-Fire: Now What?

US Dollar Goes Haywire on Fed-Speak Mis-Fire: Now What?

Markets got chaotic after an off-hand comment from NY Fed President John Williams. Those comments were walked back as the Fed now enters the blackout period.

Crude Oil Prices May Rise While Gold Falls as Markets Consolidate

Crude Oil Prices May Rise While Gold Falls as Markets Consolidate

Crude oil prices may turn higher while gold pulls back from recent highs as commodity markets digest recent volatility into the end of the trading week.

S&P 500 to Enjoy Boost from Dovish Fed, MSFT Stock After Earnings

S&P 500 to Enjoy Boost from Dovish Fed, MSFT Stock After Earnings

Dovish remarks from various Fed officials and a strong earnings performance from Microsoft will look to combine and form a strong tailwind for the S&P 500 into Friday and the weekend.

Crude Oil Prices Break 3-Month Resistance, OPEC Report Due

Crude Oil Prices Break 3-Month Resistance, OPEC Report Due

Crude oil prices broke resistance capping them since April, buoyed by a dovish Fed and a sharp drop in inventories. Surly OPEC commentary may not cool the rally.

Gold Price Volatility Climbs as XAUUSD Rallies on Dovish Fed

Gold Price Volatility Climbs as XAUUSD Rallies on Dovish Fed

Spot gold prices rise alongside gold volatility as markets react to the latest dovish commentary from Fed Chair Powell - a trend that could continue headed into the July FOMC meeting.

Crude Oil Prices Brace for Impact as Fed Chair Powell Speaks

Crude Oil Prices Brace for Impact as Fed Chair Powell Speaks

Crude oil prices may turn lower if worried comments from Fed Chair Jerome Powell spook markets even as scope for a more dovish policy outlook is diminished.

Gold Prices Surge to 6-Year High But Gains May Be Fleeting

Gold Prices Surge to 6-Year High But Gains May Be Fleeting

Gold prices surged to a six-year high amid swelling Fed interest rate cut speculation, but the moves underlying forces may bring about its own undoing.

Gold Price Rise May Extend as BOE Joins Dovish Central Bank Peers

Gold Price Rise May Extend as BOE Joins Dovish Central Bank Peers

Gold prices touched a six-year high amid speculation on a broad-based dovish shift in global monetary policy. The Bank of England may give the move a further nudge.

Dow Jones & S&P 500 Price Outlook After June Fed Meeting

Dow Jones & S&P 500 Price Outlook After June Fed Meeting

Following Junes FOMC rate decision, the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 may enjoy a renewed sense of euphoria as monetary policy is set to loosen.

Crude Oil, Gold Prices Look to Fed Rate Decision for Direction Cues

Crude Oil, Gold Prices Look to Fed Rate Decision for Direction Cues

Crude oil and gold prices are looking ahead to the Federal Reserve policy announcement for direction cues. The balance of risks seems to bode ill for commodities.

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