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Best Time to Trade Forex in Pakistan

Best Time to Trade Forex in Pakistan

For forex traders in Pakistan, timing isn’t just a detail—it’s the cornerstone of success. Nestled in the UTC+5 time zone, Pakistani traders face unique challenges and opportunities when navigating the 24-hour global forex market. Whether you’re scalping during London’s afternoon surge or capitalizing on USD/PKR volatility, aligning your trades with peak liquidity windows can dramatically boost profitability. This guide breaks down the best times to trade forex in Pakistan, tailored to local schedules and market overlaps. Discover how to turn time zones into your strategic edge.

Science Popularization 2h
Forex BackTesting: Pros and Cons | Best Free  Backtesting Software to Explore

Forex BackTesting: Pros and Cons | Best Free Backtesting Software to Explore

Imagine you're driving from New York City to Philadelphia and want to know if your route is optimal, then you take two steps: Firstly, you gather the traffic records in the past five years, including traffic patterns, historic weather conditions, and holiday congestion records. Second, you run simulations of your proposed road to see if it is most efficient and fuel-saving before an actual trip.

Science Popularization 2h
Mastering Top Trend Reversal Signals: Patterns and Indicators Analysis

Mastering Top Trend Reversal Signals: Patterns and Indicators Analysis

The ability to recognise trend reversals in trading is a valuable skill that can significantly enhance a trader's decision-making process and increase the probability of success. As markets continue to evolve, it is critical to have a solid understanding of the various patterns and indicators that signal trend reversals.

Science Popularization 20h
Top 10 High Leverage Forex Brokers in Malaysia in 2025

Top 10 High Leverage Forex Brokers in Malaysia in 2025

Leverage trading allows investors to borrow funds from brokers to increase their trading positions beyond what their cash balance would normally allow. By using margin, traders can control larger positions with a smaller initial investment, potentially amplifying both profits and losses. While leverage can lead to significant returns in favorable markets, it also increases risk exposure due to the potential for larger losses. Before engaging in leverage trading, traders need to manage risk effectively, use stop-loss orders, and have a thorough understanding of the market to navigate its dual-edged nature.

Science Popularization 20h
Unmasking Yorker FX: False Trades, Frozen Funds, and Offshore Regulatory Scams

Unmasking Yorker FX: False Trades, Frozen Funds, and Offshore Regulatory Scams

For novice traders, deeply and thoroughly understanding a broker can be challenging. This review of Yorker FX aims to expose the true nature of this brokerage, as strong evidence suggests it may operate as a scam. We will assess the broker across multiple dimensions—including its fundamental details, regulatory status, and trading products—to reveal its true intentions.

Science Popularization 22h
Olymp Trade Review 2025: Is It Safe to Trade With?

Olymp Trade Review 2025: Is It Safe to Trade With?

Founded in 2014, Olymp Trade has been operating for over a decade, expanding its services and user base considerably, now offering focused trading in fixed-time trades (previously known as binary options in some regions) and Forex. Specifically, Olymp Trade operates two trading modes: fixed-time trades and forex mode. Fixed-time trades refer to trades with predetermined expiration times, where traders predict market movement directions. Payouts typically range from 70-90% of the investment amount. Forex Mode is a more traditional forex trading approach with variable leverage (up to 1:500 for experienced traders). At the same time, it allows for more sophisticated trading strategies with customisable take-profit and stop-loss orders.

Science Popularization 23h
Differences between ECN & Standard Accounts

Differences between ECN & Standard Accounts

An ECN (Electronic Communication Network) Account connects traders directly to liquidity providers (banks, institutions) with raw spreads + commission fees. A Standard Account is a common account type designed for retail traders, typically offering fixed or variable spreads with no commission fees. The key differences between these two account types are the pricing model and execution type.

Science Popularization Yesterday 12:24

Alert! TP Global FX Suspected of Illegal Ops, Fraud Exposed

In the dynamic world of online trading, it is crucial to stay vigilant and be aware of brokers' fraudulent behaviors, as the temptation of high profits can make people let down their guard and fall into traps. TP Global FX is a broker that has faced numerous allegations and is highly controversial. Next, we will conduct a step-by-step analysis to expose the true face of TP Global FX as a fraudulent broker.

Science Popularization Yesterday 12:14
Dollarsmarkets Review: Pros, Cons & Features

Dollarsmarkets Review: Pros, Cons & Features

Founded in 2020, Dollars Markets is an online forex broker registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. Dollars Markets offers a wide range of trading assets, which includes over 60 currency pairs, as well as popular CFDs on commodities, indices, and cryptocurrencies, Energy, ETFs. Dollars Markets offers two types of accounts - Standard and Pro - each with their own unique features and benefits. The Standard account is perfect for beginners and those who are new to forex trading, with a minimum deposit of $15, while the Pro account is more suitable for experienced traders who require advanced trading tools and features.

Science Popularization Yesterday 11:27
Comparison of KOT4x and Hugosway Brokers in 2025

Comparison of KOT4x and Hugosway Brokers in 2025

In recent years, due to the significant growth in the field of foreign exchange trading, experienced traders and novices seeking financial gains have been attracted. Therefore, in order to meet the needs of the market, many foreign exchange brokers came into being. Among them, Kot4x and Hugosway stand out as popular choices for traders seeking efficient platforms and reliable services. In this article, we'll delve into the details of hugosway and kot4x, analyzing their functionality, trading conditions, customer support, and overall reputation. Choosing a reliable broker is a crucial step for any trader.

Science Popularization Two days ago
NovaTech Scam Alert: Avoid Unregulated Forex & Crypto Fraud

NovaTech Scam Alert: Avoid Unregulated Forex & Crypto Fraud

Novatech FX Ltd. (“Novatech”), founded in 2019, was registered in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, a jurisdiction known for its minimal regulations and booming unlicensed brokers. NovaTech, which said it was a leading forex and crypto trading platform, claimed to have its own trading software with deep liquidity. Mostly active from 2020 to 2023, they attracted investors by promising monthly returns of 3% to 5%. Accusing them of a $600 million investment fraud, the SEC filed charges on August 12, 2024, against NovaTech FX, Cynthia and Eddy Petion, and several promoters.

Science Popularization Two days ago
Best Forex Trading Demo Accounts for Beginner Traders 2025

Best Forex Trading Demo Accounts for Beginner Traders 2025

With so many forex brokers in the market, how do you choose the right one? Are you feeling overwhelmed by the options? Here’s the good news: finding the best fit for you doesn’t have to be complicated. As a new trader, starting with risk-free demo trading is the smartest way to dip your toes. Read this article and follow us to find the demo accounts and platforms of top forex brokers—by the end, you’ll know exactly where to begin your trading journey!

Science Popularization Two days ago
The Best Brokers for TradingView

The Best Brokers for TradingView

More than just a charting platform, TradingView combines advanced analytical tools with a social media network, fostering a dynamic community of traders. Available on desktop, web, and mobile, it’s used by millions of traders and is a favorite among technical analysts for its powerful charting capabilities and support for custom scripting.

Science Popularization Three days ago
Unveiling TriumphFX: Is it a Ponzi Scheme and Steps to Recover Lost Funds

Unveiling TriumphFX: Is it a Ponzi Scheme and Steps to Recover Lost Funds

According to related media reports, TriumphFX has recently come under scrutiny for allegedly defrauding 72 Malaysian investors, resulting in total losses exceeding $5.3 million. The platform lured victims with promises of high monthly returns ranging from 4% to 7%, using Zoom chats to entice them into investing.

Science Popularization Three days ago
JustForex vs JustMarkets: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2025

JustForex vs JustMarkets: A Comprehensive Comparison in 2025

Selecting the right forex broker can make the difference between trading success and frustration for most investors, especially retail investors. As retail traders gain unprecedented access to global markets, the choice between platforms like JustForex and JustMarkets becomes increasingly significant. Both brokers offer some shining features within the forex and CFD trading space, but their approaches differ in some areas.

Science Popularization Three days ago
How To Withdraw From Deriv Account

How To Withdraw From Deriv Account

This article provides a detailed guide on how to withdraw funds from your Deriv account. It covers everything from a step-by-step walkthrough of the withdrawal process to basic details such as the minimum withdrawal amount and available currencies. This information will help traders understand how to make profits on the Deriv platform.

Science Popularization In a week
Introduction to VideForex Trading Platform: With a Demo Account and Logging Process

Introduction to VideForex Trading Platform: With a Demo Account and Logging Process

VideForex is a UK-based broker that offers forex, contracts for difference (CFDs), and options trading. VideForex claims to have over 3,000 clients from around the world, with a trading volume exceeding $59 million and total trader expenditures of $540,000.

Science Popularization In a week
Best ECN Forex Broker Choices in the USA

Best ECN Forex Broker Choices in the USA

Currencies aren’t traded in centralized locations the way stocks are on exchanges. Currency trades happen all over the world, but most take place on something called the interbank market. The interbank market is where the world’s largest global banks exchange currencies to provide liquidity to the forex market. Retail traders don’t have access to this market, so they trade through either an ECN or a market maker.

Science Popularization In a week
Vault Markets Review 2025: Live & Demo Accounts, Withdrawal to Explore

Vault Markets Review 2025: Live & Demo Accounts, Withdrawal to Explore

Vault Markets, a South African-based broker, has attracted much attention in recent days, particularly within its region. This online broker only offers access to focused trading opportunities on Indices, Currencies, Energies, and Metals, yet it shines on low minimum deposits plus various bonus programmes, which would encourage more investors, especially beginners, to trade with a small budget. However, Vault Markets operates outside of the authorized scope, so we don't consider it solid to trade with.

Science Popularization In a week
JustForex Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

JustForex Deposit and Withdrawal Methods

JustForex is a fully regulated, low-risk ECN and STP Forex broker established in 2012. By signing up with JustForex, you can enjoy ultra-low spreads, low minimum deposits, and a commission-free account. Beginners and others who just want to try out Forex trading with a small amount of money can choose the Standard Cent account, which has a minimum deposit of just $1. This topic will guide you through payment information. Now, we will take a deep dive into the popular online brokerage platform JustForex regarding deposits and withdrawals. If you are not familiar with JustForex or are new to trading, don't worry; I will clearly explain everything about the platform's deposit and withdrawal methods.

Science Popularization In a week
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