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Why Hasn’t Binance Listed Pi Network (PI) Yet? Key Reasons Explained

Why Hasn’t Binance Listed Pi Network (PI) Yet? Key Reasons Explained

Why hasn’t Binance listed Pi Network (PI)? Discover the key reasons, including mainnet restrictions, regulatory concerns, and what needs to happen for a future listing.

News In a week
Famous Olympic Breakdancer’s Brother Faces Crypto Fraud Charges

Famous Olympic Breakdancer’s Brother Faces Crypto Fraud Charges

Australian Olympic breakdancer Rachel "Raygun" Gunn’s brother, Brendan Gunn, accused of crypto fraud involving $181,000. ASIC investigates.

News In a week
58-Year-Old Insurance Agent Fell Victim to a Multi-Million Ringgit Fraud

58-Year-Old Insurance Agent Fell Victim to a Multi-Million Ringgit Fraud

A 58-year-old insurance agent in Malaysia has lost RM1.58 million to an investment scam. Between 19 December 2024 and 20 February 2025, she made 27 transactions, sending funds to six different bank accounts under various companies.

News In a week
Beware of CySEC Scam: Fraudsters Impersonating Officials

Beware of CySEC Scam: Fraudsters Impersonating Officials

CySEC warns investors of scams involving fraudsters impersonating officials and using fake websites to deceive traders. Learn how to stay safe from investment fraud.

News In a week
Scam Alert: Fraudsters Using Fake CySEC Identities to Deceive Investors

Scam Alert: Fraudsters Using Fake CySEC Identities to Deceive Investors

The Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) has issued an urgent warning regarding an increasing number of fraud cases where scammers impersonate CySEC officials. These individuals contact investors through emails and fake online profiles, falsely claiming to facilitate compensation claims while demanding fees. CySEC urges the public to stay vigilant and verify all communications before taking any action.

News In a week
401 Foreign Nationals Arrested in Pasay City POGO Raid

401 Foreign Nationals Arrested in Pasay City POGO Raid

401 foreign nationals were arrested in a Pasay City POGO raid for illicit activities, including scams. Authorities crack down on illegal offshore gaming operators.

News In a week
5 Arrested in the TriumphFX Investment Scam Investigation

5 Arrested in the TriumphFX Investment Scam Investigation

Malaysian authorities have intensified their investigation into the TriumphFX foreign exchange investment scam, resulting in the arrest of five individuals linked to the fraudulent scheme.

News In a week
 Donald Trump Announces US Crypto Reserve – Bitcoin Hits Record $94,000

Donald Trump Announces US Crypto Reserve – Bitcoin Hits Record $94,000

In a shocking move, 47th U.S. President Donald Trump has unveiled a Crypto Strategic Reserve, marking a major shift in the government’s stance on digital currencies. This announcement comes as Bitcoin soars past $94,000, setting a new all-time high!

News In a week
Notice: The WikiFX Simulated Trade Weekly Competition has been suspended for one week

Notice: The WikiFX Simulated Trade Weekly Competition has been suspended for one week

Due to an upcoming product upgrade to enhance your overall trading simulation experience, the WikiFX Simulated Trading Weekly Contest will be temporarily suspended from March 10 to March 16. The contest will resume on March 17 with a host of improvements.

News In a week

Denmark\s postal service to stop delivering letters

The decision will end 400 years of the companys letter service, and postboxes will disappear from June.

Industry In a week

EUR/USD Surges on Tariff Pivot Expectations and Key Economic Events Ahead

The EUR/USD currency pair saw a big jump on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. It rose 1.4% and broke through the important 1.0600 level. This was the Euro's best day against the US Dollar in over two years. Markets started betting heavily on a possible change in US tariff policy.

Industry In a week
SBI VC Trade Pioneers USDC Transactions in Japan

SBI VC Trade Pioneers USDC Transactions in Japan

SBI VC Trade, the cryptocurrency division of Japan’s financial giant SBI Group, has become the first entity in the country to process transactions involving the USDC stablecoin. The company confirmed the development on Tuesday, announcing that a beta version of USDC-related services would be introduced on 12 March for select users following scheduled system maintenance.

News In a week
Ethereum’s Shock Drop: What’s The Real Reason?

Ethereum’s Shock Drop: What’s The Real Reason?

Ethereum (ETH) has experienced a significant downturn, falling below the critical $2,000 threshold for the first time since November 2023. This sharp decline has triggered concern among investors and analysts, highlighting the broader volatility in the cryptocurrency market.

News In a week
Binance Expands Web3 Security with GoPlus Token Listing

Binance Expands Web3 Security with GoPlus Token Listing

Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, has announced the listing of GoPlus Security’s (GPS) token. Trading for GPS is scheduled to commence on March 4 at 13:00 UTC, with available trading pairs including USDT, USDC, BNB, FDUSD, and TRY.

News In a week
OPEC+’s Output Boost & Tariffs: A Perfect Storm for Oil Prices

OPEC+’s Output Boost & Tariffs: A Perfect Storm for Oil Prices

Oil prices have been on a continuous decline, and with the combined pressure of OPEC+ production increases and tariff policies, the downward trend may persist in the short term.

News In a week
Grand Unveiling: The Core Reasons Behind the Yen’s Rise

Grand Unveiling: The Core Reasons Behind the Yen’s Rise

The Japanese yen has been experiencing frequent surges recently. What’s driving this trend? Let’s dive in and uncover the reasons behind it.

News In a week
 “Want to Earn Easily in Forex”? Explore the WikiFX Business Section

“Want to Earn Easily in Forex”? Explore the WikiFX Business Section

Tired of watching your friend make money through trading while you’re stuck on the sidelines? It’s time to stop wishing and start earning—and you can do it through forex trading! So, how can you earn money just like your friend? Here’s the secret:

News In a week
Indian Rupee in Crisis: Key Factors Behind the Decline and Its Economic Impact

Indian Rupee in Crisis: Key Factors Behind the Decline and Its Economic Impact

The Indian Rupee has been on a downward spiral, hitting record lows against the US Dollar. This alarming trend has raised concerns among investors, businesses, and policymakers alike. But what’s driving this decline, and how will it impact India’s economy? Let’s break it down.

News In a week
Police Bust Fraudulent Forex Trading Call Center in Raid

Police Bust Fraudulent Forex Trading Call Center in Raid

Police raid fraudulent forex trading call centers, arrest key suspects, seize equipment, and investigate scam targeting victims with fake forex trading promises.

News In a week
SEC Forms Crypto Task Force to Shape Digital Asset Rules

SEC Forms Crypto Task Force to Shape Digital Asset Rules

The SEC’s Crypto Task Force, led by Hester Peirce, aims to refine digital asset regulations, token classification, and enforcement strategies.

News In a week
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