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Big News, Big Moves: Should You Trade During Major Announcements?

Big News, Big Moves: Should You Trade During Major Announcements?

Whether it’s central bank decisions, economic data releases, or geopolitical developments, such major events can trigger extreme price swings within seconds. For traders, the temptation to capitalise on these moves is undeniable. But is it a wise strategy, or does it carry unnecessary risk?

News Three days ago
FINRA Fines Robinhood $26M for Multiple Violations

FINRA Fines Robinhood $26M for Multiple Violations

Robinhood faces another regulatory crackdown as FINRA fines it $26 million for multiple violations, including misleading order execution, AML failures, and inadequate supervision.

News Three days ago
Beware: Another Victim Of Finalto Clone Scam

Beware: Another Victim Of Finalto Clone Scam

A techie lost INR 45 lakh to a Finalto clone scam via a dating app. Learn how forex scammers operate and protect your investments from fraud.

Exposure Three days ago
5 things I wish someone could have told me before I chose a forex broker

5 things I wish someone could have told me before I chose a forex broker

Entering the world of forex trading can be both exciting and daunting. When I started, I jumped in without fully understanding what to look for in a broker. Looking back, there are five critical insights I wish someone had shared with me—insights that could have saved me both time and money.

News Three days ago
What do Users say about "Titan Capital" on Trustpilot?

What do Users say about "Titan Capital" on Trustpilot?

When we tried to visit the broker's website, it showed a "server down" message, which made us even more suspicious about this broker. In this article, we’ll share what users think about the broker and give our analysis.

Exposure In a week
CPT Markets Secures UAE SCA License for FX and CFDs Services

CPT Markets Secures UAE SCA License for FX and CFDs Services

CPT Markets’ UAE subsidiary, CPT MENA, secures an SCA Category Five license, expanding its FX and CFDs services in the region. Learn more about its UAE growth.

News In a week
Is the North Korea's Lazarus Group the Biggest Crypto Hackers or Scapegoats?

Is the North Korea's Lazarus Group the Biggest Crypto Hackers or Scapegoats?

The Lazarus Group stole $2B in crypto, but are they acting alone? Or is a bigger player behind these global cybercrimes? Investigate how North Korea's hackers operate and whether external powers are pulling the strings.

News In a week
Beware: Online Share Buying Scam Costs 2,791,780 PHP in Losses

Beware: Online Share Buying Scam Costs 2,791,780 PHP in Losses

Pune employee duped of Rs42.32 lakh (Equivalent to 2,791,780.00 PH Peso) in an online share trading scam by fraudsters posing as bank executives promising high returns. Learn how to stay safe.

News In a week
Oleg Mukhanov Steps Down as TradingView CEO Amid Leadership Shakeup

Oleg Mukhanov Steps Down as TradingView CEO Amid Leadership Shakeup

In a surprising announcement on Thursday, Oleg Mukhanov, who has been at the forefront of TradingView’s growth over the past few years, revealed his decision to step down as CEO. Mukhanov, who ascended to the role in January 2024 after joining the technology giant in mid-2022 as Group Chief Financial Officer, will continue to serve as an advisor to TradingView’s board.

News In a week
Deutsche Bank Facing Record Fine from German Watchdog – What’s the Price

Deutsche Bank Facing Record Fine from German Watchdog – What’s the Price

Germany's watchdog imposed a EUR 23.05 million penalty to Deutsche Bank AG for violating several regulatory requirements under German law. According to the Authority, the company breached organisational requirements under the German Securities Trading Act in connection with the sale of derivatives. In addition, its Postbank branch disregarded the obligation to record investment advice and repeatedly failed to comply with the requirements of the German Payment Accounts Act regarding the account switching service.

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The Hidden Tactics Brokers Use to Block Your Withdrawals

The Hidden Tactics Brokers Use to Block Your Withdrawals

In the fast-paced world of online trading, liquidity is everything. Traders and investors must have unrestricted access to their funds at all times. Any broker that imposes unnecessary conditions or delays when it comes to withdrawals is raising a glaring red flag.

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Forex Trading: Scam or Real Opportunity?

Forex Trading: Scam or Real Opportunity?

Meta: Explore forex trading: Is it a scam or real opportunity? Learn how it works, debunk myths, manage risks, and avoid scams with tools like WikiFX App. Start trading safely today!

News In a week

The Next Crypto Giants: 5 Altcoins to Watch

Cryptocurrencies are shaping the future of finance, and investors are eager to tap into the next big opportunity. The launch of the Trump Meme coin, Donald Trump's positive stance on cryptocurrencies, has sent a wave of excitement through the market. Herre are Five cryptocurrencies that could gain popularity soon:

News In a week
3 EXCLUSIVE Ramadan Offers That Won’t Last Long! ACT NOW

3 EXCLUSIVE Ramadan Offers That Won’t Last Long! ACT NOW

Ramadan is here, bringing joy and celebrations! To add to the festive spirit, brokers are offering amazing deals just for you. Here are three exclusive offers from three different brokers. Don’t miss out—check out the details below and take advantage of these special Ramadan offers!

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Japan’s Shift in Crypto Policy and What It Means for Investors

Japan’s Shift in Crypto Policy and What It Means for Investors

Japan’s ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) is moving forward with regulatory changes to update how cryptocurrency is taxed and classified. The proposed reforms aim to lower the capital gains tax on digital assets to 20% and officially recognise cryptocurrencies as a separate asset class within financial regulations.

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Economic Storm Brewing: Are We on the Brink of a Recession?

Economic Storm Brewing: Are We on the Brink of a Recession?

Concerns over a potential U.S. recession in 2025 are mounting as key economic indicators show signs of weakness. Recent data suggests consumer confidence has declined sharply, market volatility has increased, and the impact of new trade tariffs is creating uncertainty for businesses.

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WikiFX forex rights protection day - Exposure ongoing!

WikiFX forex rights protection day - Exposure ongoing!

"TradeEU Global blatantly imitates the legitimate TradeEU" . The fraudulent platform is aggressively promoting itself, luring in deposits. Reminder: Be cautious in distinguishing between legitimate and fake platforms, and stay away from imitation one.

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Donald Trump’s Pro-Crypto Push Boosts PH Markets

Donald Trump’s Pro-Crypto Push Boosts PH Markets

Donald Trump’s pro-crypto stance lifts PH markets with a strategic reserve of Bitcoin, Ether, XRP, Solana, and Cardano, driving a 10% surge in crypto value.

News In a week
Is Linkbex a Scam? SFC Warns of Virtual Asset Fraud in Hong Kong

Is Linkbex a Scam? SFC Warns of Virtual Asset Fraud in Hong Kong

Hong Kong SFC warns against Linkbex for virtual asset fraud. Learn about false claims, locked accounts, and how to stay safe from investment scams.

News In a week
5 Best Copy Trading Brokers: You Can Trust in 2025

5 Best Copy Trading Brokers: You Can Trust in 2025

Novice or experienced traders often look for a shortcut to make money in trading, and Copy Trading is the key. Copy trading is becoming increasingly popular in the forex community. If you're not familiar with it, this article could be your path to success."

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