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TriumphFX: The Persistent Forex Scam Draining Millions from Malaysians

TriumphFX: The Persistent Forex Scam Draining Millions from Malaysians

Authorities have uncovered extensive losses amounting to over RM23.7 million in connection with the TriumphFX foreign exchange investment scam, with 72 cases reported to date.

News 02-27
Pi Network Price Soars 54.47% to $2.42, Eyes Binance Listing

Pi Network Price Soars 54.47% to $2.42, Eyes Binance Listing

Pi Network price surges 54.47% to $2.42 with a $15.91B market cap, outperforming major cryptocurrencies. A Binance listing could push PI higher—details here.

News 02-27
Why Is Blackrock Moving $204M in Ether and Bitcoin to Coinbase?

Why Is Blackrock Moving $204M in Ether and Bitcoin to Coinbase?

Blackrock transfers $204M in ether and bitcoin to Coinbase, spotlighting its cryptocurrency role amid market shifts and ETF speculation.

News 02-27
2025 SkyLine Guide Thailand Opening Ceremony: Jointly Witnessing New Skyline in a New Chapter

2025 SkyLine Guide Thailand Opening Ceremony: Jointly Witnessing New Skyline in a New Chapter

Today, judges from the 2024 SkyLine Thailand project, industry authority experts, and representatives from outstanding brokers on the 2024 SkyLine Thailand list gathered to witness the brilliant launch of the 2025 WikiFX SkyLine Guide.

News 02-27
Why does Botbro change the domain name?

Why does Botbro change the domain name?

BotBro, an AI-driven forex trading platform, has recently changed its domain name to YorkerFX. This rebranding aligns with the company's strategic shift towards the "Grow Trader Matrix" initiative. The announcement was made on their official Instagram account, stating: "Following the recent update, our domain name has been changed to YorkerFX to the grow Trader Matrix."

Exposure 02-26
Oanda Shines As Frop Trading Firm After Being Acquired By FTMO

Oanda Shines As Frop Trading Firm After Being Acquired By FTMO

FTMO enhances prop trading with the OANDA Prop Trader Community and loyalty program, integrating CRM automation and rewards post-acquisition.

News 02-26
The End of Costly USDT Transfers: Tron Reshapes Stablecoin Transactions

The End of Costly USDT Transfers: Tron Reshapes Stablecoin Transactions

Tether’s USDT stablecoin will soon be available for commission-free transactions on the Tron blockchain, a move poised to redefine stablecoin transfers. The development comes as Tron transaction fees have surged, making the network one of the most expensive for USDT transfers.

News 02-26
Crypto Fraudster Sentenced to 11 Years as China Intensifies Crackdown

Crypto Fraudster Sentenced to 11 Years as China Intensifies Crackdown

China has sentenced a crypto fraudster to 11 years in prison and imposed a CNY 50,000 (approximately $6,900) fine for misrepresenting digital tokens in a fraudulent sale.

News 02-26
Incredible! This Country's Service Sector Drives GDP to a 3-Year High!

Incredible! This Country's Service Sector Drives GDP to a 3-Year High!

Nigeria, one of the largest economies in Africa, is experiencing a notable economic recovery. Despite facing several challenges, particularly the fluctuations in the oil industry, Nigeria's economic growth has shown strong resilience, instilling confidence in the outlook for the future.

News 02-26
Mastering Calm: How to Stay Cool in Forex Trading?

Mastering Calm: How to Stay Cool in Forex Trading?

In forex trading, controlling your mindset is often the most crucial trading strategy. The following tips can help you better manage your emotions and improve your chances of success in trading.

News 02-26
PH Senator Probes Love Scams Tied to POGOs

PH Senator Probes Love Scams Tied to POGOs

Senator Gatchalian files resolution to investigate love scams and online fraud linked to banned POGOs in the Philippines, targeting cryptocurrency use.

News 02-26
2025 WikiFX Forex Rights Protection Day Preview

2025 WikiFX Forex Rights Protection Day Preview

The annual WikiFX "Forex Rights Protection Day" is approaching! Following the successful launch of the inaugural event in 2024, WikiFX continues to hold it this year, aiming to expose the truth about fraudulent platforms in the forex market through in-depth investigations and broad dissemination of information. Meanwhile, it strives to enhance investors' risk recognition capabilities, collectively building a robust defense for trading security. WikiFX is always committed to protecting investors' rights and interests!

News 02-26
Lawmakers Push New Crypto ATM Rules to Fight Fraud

Lawmakers Push New Crypto ATM Rules to Fight Fraud

State bills impose crypto ATM regulations, limit transactions, cap fees, and fight scams costing billions, targeting fraud and consumer protection.

News 02-26

Crypto sleuths join hunt for $1.5bn stolen in biggest ever heist

ByBit is offering financial rewards to anyone who can spot criminals attempting to launder the stolen crypto.

Industry 02-26
Elon Musk’s DOGE Sparks a Wave of Crypto Fraud

Elon Musk’s DOGE Sparks a Wave of Crypto Fraud

Scammers have capitalised on the widespread attention surrounding DOGE by creating fraudulent schemes that promise lucrative returns. Many of these scams falsely associate themselves with Musk or the DOGE initiative and incorporate similar branding, including logos and terminology.

News 02-26
CBI Probes Rs 6,600 Crore GainBitcoin Cryptocurrency Scam

CBI Probes Rs 6,600 Crore GainBitcoin Cryptocurrency Scam

CBI searches 60 locations in the GainBitcoin cryptocurrency scam probe, targeting Rs 6,600 crore fraud by Amit and Ajay Bhardwaj across India.

News 02-26

BP\s shareholders want it to make money, not climate policy

The oil and gas producer faces criticism for its shift away from green energy, but many support it.

Industry 02-26
Indian National Scams Rs. 600 Crore with Fake Crypto Website

Indian National Scams Rs. 600 Crore with Fake Crypto Website

An Indian guy, Chirag Tomar, who is currently serving a prison sentence for defrauding over $20 million, was exposed once more. The Indian Enforcement Directorate discovered his and his family's involvement in a Rs. 600 crore cryptocurrency scam.

News 02-25
Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

Malaysian Vendor Falls Victim to Forex Scam, Losing RM500K in Life Savings

A Malaysian night market vendor has lost RM500,000 which is the entirety of his and his wife’s life savings after falling prey to a fraudulent foreign exchange investment scheme registered in Seychelles, East Africa.

News 02-25
Is IFC Markets Good for you? Read the Broker Review

Is IFC Markets Good for you? Read the Broker Review

IFC Markets is an online broker that provides clients with a wide range of financial instruments and trading services worldwide. The company offers various trading instruments, including currency pairs, commodities, indices, stocks, and cryptocurrencies through multiple trading platforms, including NetTradeX, MetaTrader 4, and MetaTrader 5.

Exposure 02-25
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