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Franklin Templeton Submitted S-1 Filing for Spot Solana ETF to the SEC on February 21

Franklin Templeton Submitted S-1 Filing for Spot Solana ETF to the SEC on February 21

Franklin Templeton has submitted an S-1 filing for a Spot Solana ETF, becoming the sixth company to apply for such a product.

News 02-24
Exposing the Truth: What Happened with the Losses of Thousands of Dollars on the GlobTFX Platform?

Exposing the Truth: What Happened with the Losses of Thousands of Dollars on the GlobTFX Platform?

The facts are clear and undeniably shocking—GlobTFX has caused significant financial losses to well-known traders in the Arab world. Eighteen victims have confirmed a total loss exceeding $22,372! But this is just the tip of the iceberg…

Exposure 02-24
Understanding Currency Intervention in Forex Markets

Understanding Currency Intervention in Forex Markets

Currency intervention involves actions by a nation's central bank or monetary authority to influence the value of its currency in the foreign exchange (forex) market. These interventions aim to achieve specific economic objectives, such as controlling inflation, stabilizing the currency, or influencing trade balances.

News 02-24
UK Hits HSBC, 3 Banks with £104.4M Fine for Bond Misconduct

UK Hits HSBC, 3 Banks with £104.4M Fine for Bond Misconduct

HSBC, Citi, RBC, and Morgan Stanley fined £104.4M by CMA for sharing sensitive bond market info, distorting UK gilts competition from 2009-2013.

News 02-24
The Biggest Hacking History in Cryptocurrency Shocks Bybit

The Biggest Hacking History in Cryptocurrency Shocks Bybit

Know the biggest hacking history in cryptocurrency as Bybit loses $1.5B to Lazarus Group. Learn about the largest crypto heist, security breaches, and more.

News 02-24
Construction Datuk Director Loses RM26.6 Mil to UVKXE Crypto Scam

Construction Datuk Director Loses RM26.6 Mil to UVKXE Crypto Scam

A 74-year-old director of a construction company has reportedly lost RM26.6 million after falling prey to a cryptocurrency investment scam linked to the UVKXE app.

News 02-24
SEC Drops Coinbase Lawsuit, Signals Crypto Policy Shift

SEC Drops Coinbase Lawsuit, Signals Crypto Policy Shift

SEC drops Coinbase lawsuit, marking a crypto policy shift under Trump. Explore the impact on Coinbase and the crypto sector in this major regulatory pivot.

News 02-24
WikiFX Elites Club —— Fun Spring Camping in Malaysia Successfully Concluded!

WikiFX Elites Club —— Fun Spring Camping in Malaysia Successfully Concluded!

From February 20 to 21, WikiFX Elites Club hosted an exclusive “Spring Camping” event in the stunning Cameron Highlands, blending forex trading excitement with the serenity of nature. Members engaged in simulated trading competitions, social networking, and outdoor adventures, fostering deep connections and valuable industry insights.

News 02-24
New SEC Chair Paul Atkins Targets Crypto Regulation Reform

New SEC Chair Paul Atkins Targets Crypto Regulation Reform

Paul Atkins, Trumps SEC chair pick, aims to reform crypto regulation, boost IPOs, and enhance market predictability with a new crypto task force.

News 02-24
IG 2025 Most Comprehensive Review

IG 2025 Most Comprehensive Review

This article evaluates the broker from multiple dimensions, including a basic introduction, fees, safety, account opening, and trading platforms.

Exposure 02-23
Top Profitable Forex Trading Strategies for New Traders

Top Profitable Forex Trading Strategies for New Traders

Know profitable Forex strategies for beginners, including risk management tips, best currency pairs, technical analysis tools, and timeframe selection.

News 02-23
WikiFX Review: Is IVY Markets Reliable?

WikiFX Review: Is IVY Markets Reliable?

IVY Markets, established in 2018, positions itself as a global brokerage offering a diverse range of trading instruments, including Forex, Commodities, Cryptocurrencies, and Stocks. The platform provides two primary account types—Standard and PRO—with a minimum deposit requirement of $50 and leverage up to 1:400.

Exposure 02-22
Germany's Election: Immigration, Economy & Political Tensions Take Centre Stage

Germany's Election: Immigration, Economy & Political Tensions Take Centre Stage

Germany is set to hold a crucial general election on 23 February 2025, with voter frustration over migration emerging as a dominant issue.

News 02-22
ED Exposed US Warned Crypto Scam ”Bit Connect”

ED Exposed US Warned Crypto Scam ”Bit Connect”

The Indian Enforcement Directorate (ED) recently exposed a crypto scam from Bitconnect. The investigation took place between February 11th and 15th, 2025. The authority recovered bitcoin worth approximately Rs 1,646 crore & Rs 13.50 lakh in cash, a Lexus car, and digital devices. This investigation was conducted under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) of 2002.

News 02-22

Cryptocurrency theft of £1.1bn could be biggest ever

Dubai-based Bybit said it could afford to reimburse customers and that it was working to find the hackers.

Industry 02-22
Why Should Women Join FX Market?

Why Should Women Join FX Market?

Some fields appear to be male-dominated. The FX market is one of them. Where you will see more males than women. In this article, we'll explain why more women should enter this sector. If you're thinking about entering this market. This information will be helpful to you. Here you will learn about the reasons why women should enter the FX market, as well as suggestions on how to get started.

News 02-21
B2BROKER Launches PrimeXM XCore Support for Brokers

B2BROKER Launches PrimeXM XCore Support for Brokers

B2BROKER launches PrimeXM XCore support and maintenance services, enhancing trading efficiency for brokers with expert management and optimization.

News 02-21
 81 USDT Lost! Another Complaint Against GlobTFX

81 USDT Lost! Another Complaint Against GlobTFX

In today's world, people easily get attracted to the forex market, eager to invest their money and earn profit. In their excitement, they become victims and lose money. Recently, a user filed a complaint with WikiFX after losing 81 USDT while investing in GlobTFX.

Exposure 02-21
Fortuno Markets Review: A Risky Choice for Traders?

Fortuno Markets Review: A Risky Choice for Traders?

Fortuno Markets, a relatively new broker registered in Saint Lucia, has been gaining attention in the forex and multi-asset trading world. However, its low WikiFX score of 2.01/10, raises some red flags for potential investors. In this review, we’ll explore why this broker has attracted scrutiny, its offerings, and why traders should exercise caution before making any decisions.

Exposure 02-21
EU MiCA Update: 10 Authorized Stablecoin Issuers & 11 CASP Providers

EU MiCA Update: 10 Authorized Stablecoin Issuers & 11 CASP Providers

Under MiCA, 10 firms have been authorized to issue e-money tokens (EMTs), commonly known as fiat-backed stablecoins. These issuers have launched a total of 15 EMTs, consisting of 10 euro-denominated tokens and 5 US dollar-denominated tokens.

News 02-21
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