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Cryptocurrency theft of £1.1bn could be biggest ever

Dubai-based Bybit said it could afford to reimburse customers and that it was working to find the hackers.

Industry 02-22
Why Should Women Join FX Market?

Why Should Women Join FX Market?

Some fields appear to be male-dominated. The FX market is one of them. Where you will see more males than women. In this article, we'll explain why more women should enter this sector. If you're thinking about entering this market. This information will be helpful to you. Here you will learn about the reasons why women should enter the FX market, as well as suggestions on how to get started.

News 02-21
B2BROKER Launches PrimeXM XCore Support for Brokers

B2BROKER Launches PrimeXM XCore Support for Brokers

B2BROKER launches PrimeXM XCore support and maintenance services, enhancing trading efficiency for brokers with expert management and optimization.

News 02-21
 81 USDT Lost! Another Complaint Against GlobTFX

81 USDT Lost! Another Complaint Against GlobTFX

In today's world, people easily get attracted to the forex market, eager to invest their money and earn profit. In their excitement, they become victims and lose money. Recently, a user filed a complaint with WikiFX after losing 81 USDT while investing in GlobTFX.

Exposure 02-21
Fortuno Markets Review: A Risky Choice for Traders?

Fortuno Markets Review: A Risky Choice for Traders?

Fortuno Markets, a relatively new broker registered in Saint Lucia, has been gaining attention in the forex and multi-asset trading world. However, its low WikiFX score of 2.01/10, raises some red flags for potential investors. In this review, we’ll explore why this broker has attracted scrutiny, its offerings, and why traders should exercise caution before making any decisions.

Exposure 02-21
EU MiCA Update: 10 Authorized Stablecoin Issuers & 11 CASP Providers

EU MiCA Update: 10 Authorized Stablecoin Issuers & 11 CASP Providers

Under MiCA, 10 firms have been authorized to issue e-money tokens (EMTs), commonly known as fiat-backed stablecoins. These issuers have launched a total of 15 EMTs, consisting of 10 euro-denominated tokens and 5 US dollar-denominated tokens.

News 02-21
Checkout FCA Warning List of 21 FEB 2025

Checkout FCA Warning List of 21 FEB 2025

Beware!! The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) released a list of 10 unauthorized firms. If you want to save your valuable money. Avoid dealing with these illegal brokers.

Exposure 02-21
Google Bitcoin Integration: A Game-Changer or Risky Move?

Google Bitcoin Integration: A Game-Changer or Risky Move?

Google Bitcoin integration blends wallets with Google accounts, stirring security fears and adoption hopes. ZKP encryption aims for privacy.

News 02-21
XTB Secures Chilean License, Expands Latin America Footprint

XTB Secures Chilean License, Expands Latin America Footprint

XTB gains a securities agent license in Chile, boosting its Latin America presence. The broker plans to offer stocks, ETFs, and derivatives to local investors.

News 02-21
Why Do You Keep Blowing Accounts or Making Losses?

Why Do You Keep Blowing Accounts or Making Losses?

For many traders, consistent losses can feel like an inevitable part of the journey. Some blame the market, others point fingers at brokers, and many convince themselves that luck simply isn’t on their side. But the reality is that repeated trading losses are rarely down to bad luck alone. Instead, a mix of psychological, emotional, and technical factors often leads traders down the path of blown accounts and frustrating setbacks. Understanding these deeper issues is key to breaking the cycle and becoming a more resilient and strategic trader.

News 02-21
eToro Adds ADX Stocks to Platform for Global Investors

eToro Adds ADX Stocks to Platform for Global Investors

eToro now offers stocks from the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange, giving global investors access to leading UAE companies in sectors like energy, finance, and healthcare.

News 02-21
It is Not True Love | Tips on Avoiding Romance Scams

It is Not True Love | Tips on Avoiding Romance Scams

In an era where digital connections have become the norm, the search for love has moved online. Dating apps and social media platforms promise the possibility of romance, but they also provide a breeding ground for deception. Fraudsters, posing as affectionate partners, lure unsuspecting victims into a web of lies, only to manipulate them for financial gain.

News 02-21
Your Zodiac Sign Reveals What Type of Investor You Are!

Your Zodiac Sign Reveals What Type of Investor You Are!

Your zodiac signs may tell you a lot about yourself. Correct? But do you know that your zodiac sign might also reveal your type of investor? This article will give you an idea about what kind of investor you are based on your zodiac sign. Let's start.

News 02-20
Trade War May Escalate, Gold Panic on the Rise

Trade War May Escalate, Gold Panic on the Rise

Trump comments on the Russia-Ukraine war, gold rises again to reach a new all-time high.

News 02-20
Rate Cut or Not? It Depends on Trump’s Policies

Rate Cut or Not? It Depends on Trump’s Policies

The Federal Reserve's latest meeting minutes suggest that the decision on whether to move forward with rate cuts depends on the availability of reliable inflation data and the subsequent policies of President Trump.

News 02-20
GlobTFX Users Report Same Issue! But Why?

GlobTFX Users Report Same Issue! But Why?

Many clients of GlobTFX are facing logging in and closing deals issues that lead them to significant losses. Please be aware that this is not the first complaint we have received. In recent days, many complaints have been received regarding GlobTFX, and we noticed most of the clients are raising the same issue.

Exposure 02-20
Checkout the Review of FirewoodFX

Checkout the Review of FirewoodFX

Based in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, FirewoodFX is an unregulated forex broker. FirewoodFX provides various financial products to trade via the MT4 platform, including Forex, gold, cryptos and oil.

Exposure 02-20
Deepfake Deception: New Face of Financial Scams in Forex and Crypto

Deepfake Deception: New Face of Financial Scams in Forex and Crypto

In the ever-evolving landscape of financial scams, fraudsters are now leveraging cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) to deceive unsuspecting victims. Deepfake technology, which manipulates audio and video to create hyper-realistic but entirely fabricated content, has become a powerful tool for scammers, particularly in the forex and cryptocurrency markets.

News 02-20
Ready & Regulated: eToro Expands Crypto Services Across the EU

Ready & Regulated: eToro Expands Crypto Services Across the EU

eToro has obtained regulatory approval from the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (CySEC) to offer crypto services across all European Union (EU) member states under the Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) framework.

News 02-20
Rising Fraud in the Philippines: How BSP Circular 1140 and AI Combat Scams

Rising Fraud in the Philippines: How BSP Circular 1140 and AI Combat Scams

Discover how the Philippines tackles rising fraud with BSP Circular 1140, AI-driven solutions, and tokenization to secure its digital economy. Learn more.

News 02-20
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